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单词 nose


英 [n??z]
美 [no?z]
  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. [C]鼻子 part of the face above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling
    2. [C]似鼻子的东西 thing like a nose in shape or position
    3. [S]嗅觉 sense of smell
    1. vt. & vi. 嗅出 discover by smelling
    2. vt. & vi. 向前推进 go forward carefully


    nose[ n?uz ]

    • n.
      • the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals

        "he has a cold in the nose"

        同义词:olfactory organ

      • a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft)

        "the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry"

      • the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon

        "he ducked under the nose of the gun"

      • a small distance

        "my horse lost the race by a nose"

      • a symbol of inquisitiveness

        "keep your nose out of it"

      • the sense of smell (especially in animals)

        "the hound has a good nose"

      • a natural skill

        "he has a nose for good deals"

      • a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged


    • v.
      • search or inquire in a meddlesome way

        同义词:intrudehorn inprypoke

      • advance the forward part of with caution

        "She nosed the car into the left lane"

      • catch the scent of; get wind of

        "The dog nosed out the drugs"


      • push or move with the nose
      • rub noses


      • defeat by a narrow margin


    用作名词 (n.)
    • bite sb's nose off不客气地对某人说
    • bleed at the nose流鼻血
    • blow one's nose擤鼻涕
    • bury one's nose in a book专心读书
    • count noses点人数
    • cut off nose与人赌气
    • cut off one's nose to spite one's face与别人赌气而为自己招来不利
    • flatten one's nose弄扁鼻子
    • follow one's nose笔直走,凭本能行事
    • hold one's nose捂住鼻子
    • keep one's nose out of sb else's business不过问别人的事情
    • keep one's nose to the grindstone埋头苦干
    • look down one's nose at瞧不起
    • make a long nose作蔑视的手势
    • pay through the nose付惊人巨款
    • pick one's nose(用手指)挖鼻子
    • pinch sb's nose捏某人的鼻子
    • poke one's nose into干涉(他人之事)
    • punch sb's nose猛击某人的鼻子
    • push one's nose into探听…,干涉…
    • run at the nose流鼻涕
    • snap sb's nose off气势汹汹地对某人说
    • stand on nose倒立
    • stick one's nose into sb else's business干涉别人的事情
    • thrust one's nose into探听…,干涉…
    • thumb one's nose at sb蔑视某人,对某人做蔑视的手势
    • touch one's nose with one's index finger用食指触鼻尖
    • turn up one's nose at对…嗤之以鼻,轻视
    • wipe one's nose擦鼻子
    • aquiline nose鹰钩鼻
    • attractive nose引人注目的鼻子
    • beaky nose鹰钩鼻
    • beautiful nose漂亮的鼻子
    • bleeding nose流着血的鼻子
    • bloody nose出血的鼻子
    • bulbous nose球根状的鼻子
    • cute nose惹人喜爱的鼻子
    • deformed nose畸形的鼻子
    • enormous nose大鼻子
    • flat nose扁鼻子
    • good nose嗅觉灵敏
    • high nose高鼻子
    • high-bridged nose高鼻梁的鼻子
    • keen nose嗅觉灵敏
    • large nose大鼻子
    • long nose长鼻子
    • retrousse nose翘鼻子
    • Roman nose鹰鼻
    • running nose流鼻涕的鼻子
    • runny nose流鼻涕
    • sharp nose嗅觉灵敏
    • small nose小鼻子
    • turned-up nose朝天鼻子
    • ugly nose难看的鼻子
    • upturned nose朝天鼻子
    • button nose塌鼻子
    • eagle nose鹰钩鼻
    • pug nose塌鼻子
    • snub nose塌鼻梁
    • steamer's nose小汽船船头
    • vegetable nose蒜头鼻子
    • as plain as the nose in your face显而易见
    • can't see beyond one's nose目光短浅
    • by a nose以一鼻之差,极小差别
    • lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走
    • pain in the nose鼻子痛
    • bridge of the nose鼻梁
    • on the nose直接地,十分正确地
    • pull one's hat over one's nose把帽子向下拉到鼻子处
    • through the nose通过鼻子,用鼻子
    • breathe through the nose用鼻呼吸
    • speak through one's nose说话带鼻音
    • under one's nose就在某人的面前
    • with a bleeding nose鼻孔里流着血
    • man with a high nose高鼻子的人
    用作动词 (v.)
    • nose its way缓缓前进
    • nose the car嗅那辆汽车
    • nose carefully小心地前进
    • nose discreetly小心地前进
    • nose gradually渐渐前进
    • nose slowly慢慢地前进
    • nose around四处探听
    • nose out a bone嗅出一块骨头
    • nose out the enemy's hiding place侦察出敌人的隐藏处
    • nose at嗅,闻
    • nose for information探听消息
    • nose into探听,干涉
    • nose into sb's affairs管别人的事
    • nose the car into the street把车开到街上


    on the nose正好,恰恰

    runny nose流鼻涕

    by a nose几乎;以些微之差

    pay through the nose被勒索;被敲竹杠

    nose for v. 探听

    long nose长鼻子;长鼻梁;高鼻子

    nose into查探,探听

    nose out比……略胜一筹

    stuffy nose曲差

    red nose红鼻子

    running nose流鼻涕;[医]鼻漏

    bloody nose出血的鼻子

    blow your nose擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕

    bridge of the nose鼻梁;鼻背,鼻柱

    run at the nose流鼻涕

    nose job鼻子整形手术

    nose piece突鼻组件;喷嘴;换镜旋座;测头管壳

    nose up v. 升起

    have a nose for对…敏感,很善于发现

    nose to nose面对面



    1. He quirked up his nose to make a face.
    2. I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell.
    3. The child pressed her nose against the window.
    4. Insert the nose of the staple remover firmly under the staple.
    5. This dog has a wonderfully good nose.
    6. He has a good nose for a secret.
    7. His nose told him that he was getting near the cow shed.
      他的嗅觉告诉他, 他正走近牛棚。
    1. The dog nosed out a rat.
    2. If there is anything wrong with the car, he can nose it out.
    3. I'll go and nose about for more news.
    4. Don't nose into other people's affairs.
    5. That man will nose out a scandal anywhere.


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    One-stage reconstruction of the nose. The island frontal flap and the "conjoined"frontal flap.
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