单词 | Phosphorus(P) |
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Phosphorus(P)是什么意思 英英释义Phosphorus(P)
学习怎么用 双语例句1. Plantgrowthshouldbe expected to be limitedbynitrogen(N)andphosphorus(P) availability in most terrestrialecosystems. 陆地生态系统植物的生长受到营养元素氮(N)和磷(P)的可利用性的限制。 www.juyy.net 2. Nitrogen(N)andphosphorus(P)arethetwonutrientsmost often associated with mismanagementandnon-pointsourcepollution. 氮(N)和磷(P)是最易管理不当和形成非点源污染的两种营养元素。 www.showxiu.com 3. Rapeseedisanimportantoilcrop.Phosphorus(P)deficiencyleadstoyieldandqualityreductioninrapeseed. 甘蓝型油菜是重要的油料作物,缺磷导致油菜产量降低、品质下降。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Phosphorus(P)deficiencyandaluminum(Al)toxicityaretwomajorlimitingfactorstoplantgrowthandproductivityinacidsoils. 缺磷和铝毒是酸性土壤限制作物生长和产量的两个主要因素。 www.juhe8.com
权威例句Effect of Red Mud on Phosphorus(P) Release in Soil[Study on phosphorus(P) fixation in the sediment of lake using the clays modified by LaCl3].Cell proliferation of Phaeocystis globasa,a red tide causative marine microalga in various phosphorus(P)-and nitrogen(N)-replete con...Pb-free solder alloy compositions comprising essentially Tin(Sn), Silver(Ag), Copper(Cu), and Phosphorus(P)Discussion on Nitrogen(N)-Phosphorus(P)-Potassium(K) Fertilizer Efficiency Experiment and Formula Fertilizing Technical Parameter of...Preliminary Study on Phosphorus(P) Adsorption and Fixation of the West Lake Sediment Modified by LaCl_3Different Responses to the Nutritions of Nitrogen(N) Phosphorus(P) and Potassium(K) Among Various Cultigens of Tea 1.Growing and Phy...Screening for phosphorus(P) tolerance and validation of Pup-1 linked markers in indica riceTECHNICAL STUDY AND APPLI CATION ON CONVERTER HIGH CARBON LOW PHOSPHORUS(P) STEELStudy on Phosphorus(P) Fixation in the Sediment of Lake Using the Clays Modified by LaCl3氯化镧改性黏土固化湖泊底泥中磷的研究
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