单词 | Pikas |
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是什么意思 变形复数:pikas 学习怎么用 双语例句1. thefrequencyanddurationofaggressivenessbetweenfemalepikasdonotdecreasewithdayssignificantly. 雌性高原鼠兔之间的攻击行为频次和持续时间无显著直线下降且各时期之间其差异亦不显著; search.gucas.ac.cn 2. TheTibetanbrownbear,aclose relativeofthegrizzly,triestodigthepikasout of their burrows. 西藏的棕熊,一种灰熊的近亲,尝试着想把鼠兔从洞穴中挖出来,即使有坚硬的冻土阻隔。 3. The data reveal that quinestrolhasclearinfertileeffectonmaleplateaupikas, and the effect canlastfortwoyearsafteronebaiting. 可见,炔雌醚可能对高原鼠兔有较为良好的不育效果,这种不育效果在药物一次投放后可以维持至少两年。 search.gucas.ac.cn 4. triestodigthepikasout of their burrows. 试图把鼠兔从洞里挖出来 5. Pikasgetarudeawakeningfromtheirlonghibernation. 鼠兔在漫长的冬眠后被粗鲁的唤醒。 6. Thegrowthdataof14Gansupikasof3litters from birth to age of 56 days were collected in 1998. 根据3窝14只甘肃鼠兔幼子56天的生长发育资料初步分析了甘肃鼠兔的生长发育规律。 7. ComparativeStudyofAlveolarSurfactantinPlateauPikas and Emigrated Rats 高原鼢鼠、鼠兔肺表面活性物质的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 8. TimeAllocation of Territorial ActivityandAdaptationstoEnvironment of Predation RiskbyPlateauPikas 高原鼠兔领域行为时间分配格局及其对风险环境适应的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Hay-pile Caches asWinter Food by GansuPikasand ItsBiologicalSignificance 甘肃鼠兔贮草越冬及其生物学意义 www.ilib.cn 10. InfluenceofArtificialFoodonStableCarbonandNitrogenIsotopeCompositionofPlateauPikas 人工食物对高原鼠兔稳定性碳和氮同位素组成的影响 www.ilib.cn
权威例句The Function of Haypiles of Pikas (Ochotona princeps)The Distribution and Dispersal of Pikas: Influences of Behavior and ClimateAmerican pikas inhabit low-elevation sites outside the species' previously described bioclimatic envelope.Molecular systematics of pikas (genus Ochotona) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences.AMERICAN PIKAS (OCHOTONA PRINCEPS) IN NORTHWESTERN NEVADA: A NEWLY DISCOVERED POPULATION AT A LOW-ELEVATION SITEHistorical and ecological biogeography of neararctic pikas (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae)Distribution of American pikas in a low-elevation lava landscape: conservation implications from the range periphery.Use of Nonalpine Anthropogenic Habitats by American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) in Western OregonPatterns of apparent extirpation among isolated populations of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Great BasinDetermining natal dispersal patterns in a population of North American pikas (Ochotona princeps) using direct mark-resight and indir...
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