单词 | Pteropods |
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是什么意思 变形复数:pteropods 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Ifreshapingfoodwebsmarginalisesthepteropods,thesalmonwillhavetoadaptordie. 如果重新形成的食物网里翼足类动物数量锐减,粉鲑将必须适应,否则就会饿死。 www.ecocn.org 2. Butthough the mesocosms may shed light on the fateofthepteropods, the outlookforthesalmonwillremainconjectural. 但虽然“中型实验生态系”可以让我们看到翼足类的命运,但鲑鱼的命运仍然只是我们的猜测。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Insomeareasevenaragoniticshellsof the pelagic molluscspteropods coat the seafloor. 在有些地区,甚至深海软体动物翼足类的文石贝壳可铺满海底。 es.bab.la 4. DrRiebesellisparticularlyinterestedintheecosystemroleofpteropods,alsocalledseabutterflies. 里贝赛尔博士尤其感兴趣的是一类叫做“翼足类”,也叫“海蝴蝶”的生物在生态系统中的作用。 5. Oceanacidification strips seawater of the carbonateionthatpteropodsneedtobuildnewshells,anditalsodamagestheirexistingones. 海洋酸化不仅使pteropods用来构成他们新外壳的碳酸离子减少,而且还会损害它们原来的外壳。 news.dxy.cn 6. Onefearis that the increasingaciditywillkilloffpteropodsandsimilarcreatureswithcalcium-carbonateshellsorskeletons. 一个担忧是,越来越高的酸度将毁灭翼足类动物和类似具有碳酸钙外壳或骨架的动物。 www.ecocn.org 7. LateQuaternaryPteropods in the South China Sea-CarbonatePreservationandPaleoenvironmentalVariation 南海晚第四纪翼足类:碳酸盐保存和古环境变化 kjc.tongji.edu.cn
权威例句Pteropods in Southern Ocean ecosystemsSedimentation of pteropods in the Norwegian Sea in autumnImpact of aragonite saturation state changes on migratory pteropodsThe metabolic response of pteropods to acidification reflects natural CO2-exposure in oxygen minimum zonesDeep-sea carbonate and the deglaciation preservation spike in pteropods and foraminiferaSinking rates of fecal pellets from gelatinous zooplankton (Salps, Pteropods, Doliolids)Synergistic effects of ocean acidification and warming on overwintering pteropods in the ArcticDistributional pattern of planktonic foraminifers and pteropods in surface waters and top core sediments of the Red Sea, and adjacen...Structure and function of the buccal apparatus of Clione limacina (Phipps) with a review of feeding in gymnosomatous pteropodsDifferential feeding and fecal pellet composition of salps and pteropods, and the possible origin of the deep-water flora and olive-...
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