单词 | resealing |
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resealing是什么意思 英英释义reseal[ ri'si:l ]
学习怎么用 双语例句1. Similarprovisionsarealso in place in respect ofanapplicationforresealingofgrants by non-local courts. 申请对非当地法院所作授予财产的判决重新盖印,类似的规定也是合适的。 2. ThemenwerefillingemptyforeignbeerbottleswithChinesebeerandresealingthemusingabottle-cappingmachine. 他们正在向用空的国产啤酒瓶充当的外国啤酒瓶中灌装啤酒,然后用一个瓶子压盖机密封。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Generalassaysshow that cells surviveafterresealingthemembraneholes, but detailedstudiesofcellbehavior are still needed. 总体分析显示再次密封细胞膜上的缺口后细胞可以存活,但仍需要对细胞行为的详细研究。 4. Somecontractorsseal their faux rockandrecommendresealingiteveryfewyears,butthepracticevariesfromcontractortocontractor. 一些承包商密封的人造岩石和建议加盖印章它每隔数年,但实际上从承包商承包不同。 www.cfli.cn 5. Meansforresealingthreadedjointsofgaspipeworkinbuildings. 建筑物燃气管道工程的螺纹接头再密封的方法 www.mapeng.net
权威例句The resealing process of lipid bilayers after reversible electrical breakdownBarrier with Low Extractables and Resealing PropertiesFormation and resealing of pores of controlled sizes in human erythrocyte membraneCell membrane resealing by a vesicular mechanism similar to neurotransmitter release.Calcium-regulated exocytosis is required for cell membrane resealingFactors controlling the resealing of the membrane of human erythrocyte ghosts after hypotonic hemolysis.Human junction adhesion molecule regulates tight junction resealing in epithelia.A new self-assembled peroxisomal vesicle required for efficient resealing of the plasma membraneRedistribution and Phosphorylation of Occludin During Opening and Resealing of Tight Junctions in Cultured Epithelial CellsLiu, Y. et al. Human junction adhesion molecule regulates tight junction resealing in epithelia. J. Cell Sci. 113 2363-2374
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