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单词 account


英 [??ka?nt]
美 [??ka?nt]
  • n.


  • vi.


  • vt.


  • 变形



    1. [C]账户 an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.
    2. [C]使用互联网收发电子邮件账户 an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by e-mail, etc.
    3. [C]账目 a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it
    4. [C]赊销账; 赊欠账; 赊购 an arrangement with a shop 〔store〕 or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month
    5. [C]老主顾 a regular customer; a customer, especially one who has regular dealings with a company
    6. [C]描述; 叙述; 报告 (written or spoken) description of sth that has happened
    7. [C]解释,说明 an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process
    1. vt. 〈正〉认为是; 视为 have the opinion that sb/sth is particular thing; consider



    • n.
      • a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services

        "he asked to see the executive who handled his account"

        同义词:business relationship

      • the act of informing by verbal report

        "by all accounts they were a happy couple"


      • a record or narrative description of past events

        "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"


      • a short account of the news

        "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"

        同义词:reportnews reportstorywrite up

      • a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance

        "they send me an accounting every month"

        同义词:accountingaccount statement

      • a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.

        "I expected a brief account"


      • an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered

        "send me an account of what I owe"


      • grounds

        "don't do it on my account"; "the paper was rejected on account of its length"


      • importance or value

        "a person of considerable account"; "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance"

      • the quality of taking advantage

        "she turned her writing skills to good account"

    • v.
      • be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something

        "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"

      • keep an account of


      • to give an account or representation of in words


      • furnish a justifying analysis or explanation

        "I can't account for the missing money"

        同义词:answer for



    用作名词 (n.)
    • ask an account要求付账
    • audit the accounts查账
    • balance an account结清账目
    • cast accounts算账
    • charge sb's account把账记在某人账内
    • close an account注销户头
    • collect accounts收账
    • cook accounts造假账,篡改账目
    • cook up an account篡改账目
    • credit an account with fifty dollars在账户的贷方记入五十美元
    • doctor an account篡改账目,造假账
    • enter an account记账
    • examine accounts检查账目,查账
    • falsify accounts做假账
    • give an account进行说明,描述,做报道
    • have an account(在银行)开账户
    • keep accounts记账
    • leave out of account不考虑
    • look up accounts检查账目,查账
    • make little account of轻视
    • make much account of重视
    • manipulate an account伪造账目
    • open an account(在银行)开户
    • overdraw an account透支
    • pad an expense account伪造开支账
    • provide an account提供说明
    • publish the accounts公布账目
    • render an account报账
    • settles accounts with与…结账
    • square accounts with sb与某人结清账目
    • start an account开立账户
    • take account of考虑某事
    • take an account of把…入账
    • take (no) account对…(不)考虑,(不)重视
    • write an account写报道
    • yield an account报账
    • accurate account确切的记录
    • active account收支频繁的账户
    • bad accounts收不回来的欠款,呆账
    • biased account片面的报道
    • blocked account被冻结的账户
    • blow-by-blow account详尽的报道
    • brief account简短的叙述
    • checking account活期存款
    • closed account已结算的账目
    • concise account简要的说明
    • current account往来账目
    • detailed account详细的说明
    • elaborate account详尽的记述
    • exact account精确的说明
    • faithful account真实的叙述
    • falsified account伪造的报道
    • fictitious account虚构的报告,非真实的陈述
    • first-hand account第一手的报道
    • full account详尽的说明
    • historical account历史记录
    • imaginary account想象的叙述
    • inactive account静止账户
    • joint account(数人)共有的(银行存款等)账户
    • one-sided account片面的报道
    • open account未结算的账户
    • outstanding account应收账目,未清账目
    • particular account特殊说明
    • prejudiced account带有偏见的报道
    • real account实账
    • running account连续的报道
    • short account简短的说明
    • straight account直截了当的说明
    • thrilling account令人激动的报道
    • true account真实的记述
    • uncollectable accounts坏账,呆账
    • vivid account生动的说明
    • bank account银行账目
    • capital account固定资产账户
    • cash account现金收账
    • charge account赊购账户,记账户头
    • credit account赊购账户,记账户头
    • deposit account定期存款户头
    • dollar account美元账户
    • expense account消费账户
    • eye-witness account目击者的叙述
    • household accounts家庭账目
    • individual retirement account个人退休金账户
    • money-market account金融市场账目
    • newspaper accounts新闻报道
    • press accounts新闻报道
    • profit and loss account损益账
    • saving account存款户头
    • time account定期存款账户
    • account analysis账目分析
    • account book账簿
    • account chart会计科目一览表
    • account credit赊账
    • account day结算日
    • account due应收账款
    • account general会计主管; 会计处长
    • account note账单
    • account number账号
    • account payee收款入账
    • account purchase赊买
    • accounts department会计处
    • by all accounts根据各方面的说法
    • by sb's account据某人讲
    • for account of为…代销
    • for this account因为这个缘故
    • from all accounts根据各方面所说
    • in account with与…有账务往来
    • in an account在账目里
    • in the last accounts归根到底,终于
    • of little account无甚价值
    • of no account无足轻重
    • of small account无甚价值
    • of some account有相当价值
    • on account记(赊)账,以赊账方式
    • on account of因为,由于
    • on all account无论如何,总之
    • on any account无论如何,决定,决意
    • on every account无论如何
    • on no account决不,无论如何也不
    • on one's own account独自(地)凭自己的力量
    • on sb's account因为某人的缘故
    • draw cheque against an account开一张与账户有往来的支票
    • slow at accounts不善于算账
    • draw money from an account提取存款
    • hand in one's accounts死
    • pay into one's account划到某人的账上
    • pay sth into an account把…存入账户
    • take sth into account考虑到某事
    • a man of account要人
    • balance of accounts账上收支平衡
    • a matter of great account一件要事
    • the debtor side of the account借方
    • draw on account从存款户头中取出一些钱
    • drive slowly on account of the fog由于有雾,把车开慢点
    • pay on account先付…(作为部分付款)
    • pay money on account偿还部分账款
    • payment on account分期偿还
    • put sth on sb's account把某物记在某人的账户上
    • sell sth on account赊卖某物
    • go over the accounts核对账目
    • charge sth to an account把某物记在账上
    • charge to sb's account(记入)某人账目中的借项
    • set sth down to sb's account把…记在某人的账上
    • account for说明,解释
    • account in credit存款户
    • account in transit未达账
    • account of bankruptcy破产账
    • accounts on the credit side贷方账
    • accounts on the debit side借方账
    • account of the travel旅行杂记
    用作动词 (v.)
    • account oneself innocent认为自己很清白
    • account oneself lucky认为自己很幸运
    • account sb as wise认为某人聪明
    • account for one's absence说明缺席的原因
    • account for one's coming late说明晚来的原因
    • account for the luminosity of解释…发光现象
    • account for one-fourth of占…的四分之一
    • account for two enemy planes击落两架敌机
    • account to sb向某人说明
    • account to sb for the money spent向某人报账


    account of在某人帐上重视,记帐

    account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因

    your account您的帐号

    take into account考虑;重视;体谅

    on account记帐,赊帐;分期付款

    on account of由于;因为;为了…的缘故

    bank account银行存款;银行往来帐户

    be taken into account[俚]被考虑

    current account经常帐;活期存款帐户

    account number帐号

    of account重要的;有价值的

    savings account储蓄帐户

    no account没用的;无交易;未交帐户;无会计科目

    account management账户管理

    capital account资本性帐户;固定资产帐户

    open an account开立帐户

    take account of考虑到;顾及;体谅

    deposit account存款帐户;储蓄存款

    new account新帐户;新开帐户

    checking account活期存款;支票户头;活期存款户头



    report, account




    clarify, interpret, account, explain, illustrate








    1. She squared her account at the store.
    2. We have accounts with most of our suppliers.
    3. The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.
    4. This is a particular account of the accident.
    5. She gave an accurate account of the case.
    6. His account contradicted itself.
    7. Lynne gave us a detailed account of her plan.
    8. We must take full account of our difficulties.
    9. On no account shall the Parties evade the responsibility for the loss of profits.
    10. He betrayed all his friends on his own account.
    11. He turned his writing skills to good account.
    12. On that account, it is best to do so.
    1. He has been asked to account for his conduct.
    2. A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.


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