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单词 shift from to

shift from to



  1. The road to the village branches off on the right.
  2. I stood watching for the signal to change to green.


Eocene habitat shift from saline to freshwater promoted Tethyan amphipod diversification
GABA actions in hippocampal area CA3 during postnatal development: differential shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing in somati...
Motivational control of instrumental performance following a shift from thirst to hunger
Assessing the Distributive Impact of a Revenue—Neutral Shift from a Uniform Property Tax to a Two-Rate Property Tax with a Uniform ...
Overestimating the Shift from Government to Governance: Evidence from Swiss Metropolitan Areas
Decadal warming causes a consistent and persistent shift from heterotrophic to autotrophic respiration in contrasting permafrost eco...
Response of several hepatic adaptive enzymes to a shift from low to high protein diet in intact and adrenalectomized rats
The shift from glycogenolysis to glycogen resynthesis after escape swimming: studies on the abdominal muscle of the shrimp, Crangon ...
Improving How Evolution Is Taught: Facilitating a Shift from Memorization to Evolutionary Thinking
Evaluation of the Factors Associated with Shift from Pastoral to Agro-pastoral Farming Systems in Trans-Mara West District of Narok ...




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