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单词 stops


  • v.

    停止( stop的第三人称单数 );中断;逗留;(使)停止工作

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 停止,中断 cease moving; break off
    2. vt. 塞住,堵塞 fill or close sth by plugging or obstructing; block sth
    3. vt. 阻止,阻挠 prevent sb from doing sth or sth from happening
    4. vt. & vi. 逗留,停留,歇宿 stay; stop one's journey
    1. [C] 停止,中止; 停留,逗留 act of stopping or state of being stopped
    2. [C] 停车站 place where a bus, train, etc. stops regularly
    3. [C] 标点符号,句号 punctuation, especially a full stop



    • n.a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card




    用作动词 (v.)
    • stop a bullet中断,挂彩
    • stop a gap修,补,弥补,补空,代理
    • stop a passage堵塞通道
    • stop a wound止住伤口出血
    • stop one's cheque止付
    • stop one's salary停发工资
    • stop one's teeth补牙
    • stop sb's check拒签某人的支票
    • stop sb's complaints制止某人的抱怨
    • stop sb's electricity supply停止给某人供电
    • stop sb's misconduct制止某人的错误行为
    • stop the blood止血
    • stop the bus把公共汽车停下来
    • stop the car把轿车停下来
    • stop the clock让钟停了
    • stop the fight制止打架
    • stop the game使比赛中断
    • stop the gas停止输送气
    • stop the letter扣住信件
    • stop the machine使机器停止运转
    • stop the motor使马达停下来
    • stop the nonsense制止胡言乱语
    • stop the show(观众的热烈掌声)使演出中断
    • stop the supplies断绝供应
    • stop the thief捉贼
    • stop traffic断绝交通
    • stop work让工作停下
    • stop dead突然停止
    • stop halfway半途而废
    • stop indoors呆在家里,不出门
    • stop short突然停住
    • stop abruptly突然停止
    • stop constantly不断停止
    • stop effectually有效地止住
    • stop entirely完全停顿下来
    • stop imperiously专横地断绝
    • stop instantaneously即刻断绝
    • stop instinctively本能地停住
    • stop properly适可而止
    • stop suddenly突然停止
    • stop timorously畏怯地停住
    • stop unreasonably毫无道理地停留
    • stop virtually实质上断绝
    • stop away不在,保持疏远
    • stop behind留在后面,(会后等)留下
    • stop by顺便访问
    • stop down停留在较低的位置,逗留在胃中,缩小光圈
    • stop in顺便访问
    • stop in to see sb顺便去看某人
    • stop off中途下车,中途停留
    • stop on继续停留
    • stop out呆在外面,在外面过夜,继续罢工
    • stop over中途下车,中途停留
    • stop over at a place在某地作短期逗留
    • stop up堵塞,阻碍,不去睡觉
    • stop up until 12 o'clock直到12点才去睡觉
    • stop away from sth不接近某物
    • stop...out of从…扣除
    • stop at a hotel住在旅馆里
    • stop at nothing无所顾忌,什么都做得出
    • stop at one's post坚守岗位
    • stop for为…停下来
    • stop for rest停下来休息
    • stop...from阻止
    • stop sb from smoking阻止某人抽烟
    • stop in bed不起床
    • stop in one's tracks突然停下
    • stop in the town呆在城里
    • stop off不能出席
    • stop under water停在水下
    • stop with a relative逗留在亲戚家
    • stop with the firm继续为这家公司工作
    • stop within继续受…限制
    用作名词 (n.)
    • come to a stop结束,告一段落
    • make a stop停一停
    • miss one's stop错过了站头
    • put a stop to使某事物停下来,制止(某事)
    • put a stop to this action禁止这种行动
    • abrupt stop突然的停留
    • brief stop短暂的停留
    • dead stop猝然停下
    • full stop完全停止,句号
    • regular stop定班汽车的停车站
    • smooth stop平稳地停下
    • sudden stop突然的停留
    • bus stop公共汽车站
    • flag stop信号停车站
    • lunch stop(工厂等)停车吃午饭的时间
    • pit stop加油停车,中途停车,中途停车点
    • request stop招手停车站
    • streetcar stop有轨电车停靠站
    • tram stop有轨电车停靠站
    • truck stop卡车停车场
    • wage stop失业补助限额
    • whistle stop(只有火车站发信号才鸣笛停车的)小车站
    • stop drill钻头
    • stop gap权宜之计,补缺者
    • stop key风琴音钮
    • stop lever阻杆
    • stop light红灯,停车灯
    • stop screw停止拧螺钉
    • stop sign道路交叉点设置的停车标志
    • stop watch跑表,记秒表
    • stop work防止钟表发条上得过紧的装置
    • at a stop在停着
    • at the last stop在最后一站
    • before the stop在站前
    • without a stop不停留,不停地,连续
    • stop at Milan停在米兰
    • stop for a time暂时休止
    • stop for lunch停留吃午饭
    • stop from there从那里停住
    • stop in construction建设中的停顿


    bus stop公共汽车站

    stop at住宿;[口]逗留在;对…有所踌躇

    stop in顺便访问;中途作短暂访问

    put a stop to使停止;制止

    stop short中途停下,停止;突然停止

    stop by顺便访问;停在…近旁

    full stop句号;句点

    stop at nothing不惜一切代价;毫无顾忌

    at the bus stop在公共汽车站,在公交车站

    without a stop不停地

    stop doing停止做;停下正在做的事情;停止正在或经常做的事

    stop sign停车标志;停止信号/标志

    stop over中途停留;暂留;立刻

    stop up堵塞;塞住;[口]熬夜

    stop valve截止阀

    stop work停工;制挡机件

    automatic stop自动停机;自动停机装置;自停

    emergency stop紧急停止,紧急停机;异常停止

    stop time停止时间;减速时间;制动时间

    stop complaining别发牢骚;不要抱怨



    1. The train stopped at the station.
    2. His heart has stopped.
    3. They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.
    4. I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.
    5. They stopped to talk when they met on the street.
    6. I am going to stop over at New York City.
    1. They put a stop to the evils.
    2. The red light is a warning sign for stop.
    3. They had a stop for a few days in New York.
    4. She is likely to be waiting us at the bus stop.


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    Dacapo, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, stops cell proliferation during Drosophila development.
    Capital Flows and Capital-Market Crises: The Simple Economics of Sudden Stops




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