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单词 strikes


  • n.

    袭击( strike的名词复数 );罢工[课,市];突然发现;

  • v.

    打( strike的第三人称单数 );击;敲响;报时

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 打,击hit
    2. vt. 攻击,袭击; 侵袭 attack, especially suddenly; (of disaster, disease, etc.) afflict (sb/sth)
    3. vt. & vi. 敲响; 报时; 擦出 make or put into action by hitting
    4. vt. 偶然发现(矿藏等) discover (a material or place)
    5. vi. 罢工 stop working because of disagreement
    6. vt. (突然)产生于(某人的)脑海中 occur to sb's mind
    7. vt. 给…以(深刻)印象 have an effect on; affect with
    8. vt. 取下; 降低lower
    1. [C] 罢工〔课,市〕 a time when no work is done because of disagreement, e.g. over pay or working conditions, etc.
    2. [C] 袭击,攻击 an attack, especially by aircraft whose bombs hit the place attacked
    3. [C] 突然发现; 走运 success in finding especially a mineral in the earth



    • n.
      • a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions

        "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"

        同义词:work stoppage

      • an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective

        "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"

      • (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders

        "this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"

      • a gentle blow


      • a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball

        "he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame"


      • a conspicuous success


    • v.
      • hit against; come into sudden contact with

        同义词:hitimpinge onrun intocollide with

      • deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon

        "the opponent refused to strike"

      • have an emotional or cognitive impact upon


      • make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target

        "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"


      • indicate (a certain time) by striking
      • affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely


      • stop work in order to press demands

        同义词:walk out

      • touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly


      • attain

        同义词:come to

      • produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically

        "The pianist strikes a middle C"; "strike `z' on the keyboard"


      • cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp

        "strike an arc"

      • find unexpectedly

        同义词:fall uponcome uponlight uponchance uponcome acrosschance onhappen uponattaindiscover

      • produce by ignition or a blow

        "strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"

      • remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

        "Please strike this remark from the record"


      • cause to experience suddenly

        同义词:hitcome to

      • drive something violently into a location


      • occupy or take on

        "strike a pose"

        同义词:assumetaketake up

      • form by stamping, punching, or printing

        "strike coins"; "strike a medal"


      • smooth with a strickle


      • pierce with force
      • arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing

        "strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • strike a child打小孩
    • strike a coin铸一枚硬币
    • strike a light打火取亮
    • strike a match擦着火柴
    • strike a medal铸一枚奖章
    • strike a tree撞到树上
    • strike an average平均起来,折中
    • strike an enemy soldier打敌军士兵
    • strike an iceberg撞上冰山
    • strike midnight午夜的钟声响了
    • strike noon中午的钟声响了
    • strike one's opponent打击对手
    • strike one's wife打老婆
    • strike ten钟敲十点
    • strike the cuttings栽下剪下的枝条
    • strike the right path走上了正确的道路
    • strike the road沿大道走去
    • strike the table击打桌子
    • strike the wall击打墙
    • strike aimlessly无目的地打
    • strike ardently强烈地冲击
    • strike barbarously无礼地敲击
    • strike boldly大胆划去
    • strike brutally狠狠地敲击
    • strike characteristically具有特色地敲击
    • strike continuously不停地敲击
    • strike criminally错误地划去
    • strike decisively决定性地敲击
    • strike determinedly坚决地划去
    • strike energetically充满活力地打击
    • strike feebly无力地打击
    • strike fiercely猛烈地打击
    • strike firmly坚定地打击
    • strike forcibly强有力地打击
    • strike furiously剧烈打击
    • strike harshly严厉地打击
    • strike heavily重重地打击
    • strike impetuously急躁地打击
    • strike incessantly持续不断地打击
    • strike insidiously不知不觉地打击
    • strike instinctively凭直觉敲击
    • strike intermittently断断续续地冲击
    • strike mysteriously神秘地打击
    • strike nervously心神不宁地打击
    • strike obliquely间接性地打击
    • strike prematurely过早地打击
    • strike rapidly迅速敲击
    • strike regularly正常遇到
    • strike rhythmically有节奏地敲击
    • strike ridiculously荒唐可笑地敲击
    • strike ruthlessly无情地打击
    • strike satirically讽刺性地敲击
    • strike savagely野蛮地打击
    • strike scathingly不留情地打击
    • strike significantly大大地冲击
    • strike simultaneously同时铸造
    • strike spontaneously自然地敲击
    • strike unexpectedly意外地想起
    • strike unscrupulously肆无忌惮地打击
    • strike vehemently激烈地打击
    • strike verbally口头地打击
    • strike vigorously精力充沛地发现
    • strike virulently恶毒地打击
    • strike back进行反击
    • strike back at向…挥拳打回去
    • strike down打倒,使病倒,杀死,划掉,取消
    • strike home击中要害,触及痛处
    • strike in插话
    • strike off砍掉,删去,扣除,除(名)
    • strike off sb's head砍掉某人的头
    • strike out打出,划掉,删去,想出
    • strike out a line for oneself独树一帜
    • strike out a plan订出一个计划
    • strike up开始,结交,相识
    • strike up a conversation开始谈话
    • strike up an old tune重弹老调
    • strike up friendship between nations建立国家之间的友谊
    • strike out at sb狠揍某人
    • strike out for开始向…方向前进
    • strike out on one's own自谋生路,展开新活动
    • strike out with sb失宠于某人
    • strike up with sb偶然碰到某人
    • strike against撞在…上,反对…而罢工
    • strike against a stove撞在炉子上
    • strike against the wall撞在墙上
    • strike sb as silly使某人感到愚蠢
    • strike at向…袭击,扑向
    • strike at peaceful villages袭击和平村庄
    • strike at sb with a stick用棍子打某人
    • strike at the root of the evil根绝邪恶
    • strike for为…而罢工
    • strike for higher pay举行罢工要求提高工资
    • strike sb in the face打某人的脸
    • strike into打进,刺入,使害怕
    • strike into the woods进入树林
    • strike on打在…上,突然获得
    • strike on an idea突然想起一个主意
    • strike on the door敲门
    • strike through删去,冲破
    • strike through the heavy fog冲破浓雾
    • strike through the sentence删去这个句子
    用作名词 (n.)
    • avert a strike防止罢工
    • break (up) a strike破坏罢工
    • call a strike号召举行罢工
    • come out on strike举行〔开始〕罢工
    • go on strike举行〔开始〕罢工
    • set off a strike引起罢工
    • take a strike举行罢工
    • general strike大罢工
    • industrial strike工业部门的罢工
    • lucky strike好运气
    • retaliatory strike报复性打击
    • unofficial strike非正式罢工
    • gold strike突然发现一个金矿
    • wildcat strike自发举行的罢工
    • air strike空袭
    • oil strike意外地发现石油
    • miners' strike矿业工人罢工
    • strike ballot决定是否罢工的投票
    • first strike capacity先发制人的能力
    • strike action罢工
    • the strike of a hawk on its prey鹰向猎物之猛扑


    on strike罢工,罢工中

    strike in插嘴

    air strike空袭

    strike at袭击;攻击;向…打击

    lightning strike n. 雷击(等于lightning stroke);闪电式罢工

    strike for为…而罢工

    strike slip[地理学]走向位移;走向滑距

    general strike大罢工

    strike down杀死;击倒

    go on strike举行罢工

    strike a chord 打动(某人的)心弦,在(某人心中)引起共鸣 , 引起共鸣,触动心弦

    strike against为反对…而罢工

    strike on打在…上;突然想起

    strike up使开始;建立起;开始演奏

    strike out打击;删去;想出;产生

    strike fire打火

    hunger strike n. 绝食抗议

    strike twelve获得最大成就;达到最高目标;显出全副本领

    strike someone as在某人看来似乎...

    strike back回击,反击



    1. The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages.
    2. The coalminers have been out on strike for several weeks now.
    3. The strike has delivered a heavy blow to the management.
    4. His spirits sagged after that strike.
    5. Next, the local press carried an order by the city's garrison commander forbidding soldiers to strike students.
    1. He offered to strike the boy with his cane.
    2. He struck the man a blow at the chin.
    3. Be careful not to strike your head against the mantel.
    4. His words incited them to strike.
    5. I am sure the bus drivers will strike.
    6. The girl struck a match to light a cigarette.


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