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单词 such being the case

such being the case

英 [s?t? ?bi:?? e? keis]
美 [s?t? ?bi?? ei kes]
  • adv.


  • 学习怎么用


    How the Literati Turn Their Attention to Legalism——the Thought of Cuishi Being Such a Typical Case
    Being a Correct Presumption vs. Being Presumably the Case
    Beyond GDP: Conceptual Grounds of Quantification. The Case of the Index of Economic Well-Being (IEWB)
    The case of Philadelphia: how to spread sales, being the market leader - 2001
    Being Attractive Brings Advantages: The Case of Parrot Species in Captivity
    The Case for Caution — Being protective of Human Dignity in the Face of Corporate Forces Taking Title to Our DNA
    Can technology build social well-being? The case of facebook use
    Literature Review on religious identity construction in the context of being an new immigrant minority religion: The Case of Western...
    Conceptualizing Human Well-Being from a Gender and Life Course Perspective: The Case of Peruvian Migrants in London
    Towards a Sociology of Happiness: The Case of an Age Perspective on the Social Context of Well-Being




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