单词 | taxied |
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是什么意思 变形复数:taxis 第三人称单数:taxies 现在分词:taxiing 过去式:taxied 双语释义n.(名词)
英英释义taxi[ 't?ksi ]
学习怎么用 词汇搭配用作名词 (n.) 动词+~
词组短语taxi driver出租车司机;的士司机 take a taxi乘出租车,搭出租车;打的 by taxi坐计程车 call a taxi打的;叫出租车 taxi stand n. 出租车招呼站 taxi ride出租车旅行;乘坐出租车 taxi fare的士收费;出租汽车费 taxi service出租汽车服务;叫车服务;出租车调度站 taxi meter车用计费器 更多收起词组短语 双语例句1. ThetestteamtoldmeItaxiedouttotheendoftherunwaymuchfasterthanIdidfor any of the taxitests. 测试小组告诉我说我滑跑到跑道头的过程要比我以前进行滑跑试验时快一些。 2. AsItaxiedoverthemuddysteelmattingoftherunway,I got a wave and a grin from my wingmanLt. Rex Barber. 当我驾驶着飞机在泥泞的钢垫跑道上滑行时,我的僚机驾驶员向我边笑边挥手。 3. Taxiedup and down therunwayafewtimes,justtoflattenitouta bit, and he said, "Right,I'mgoingto--I'm going to giveitago." 刚刚好,很惊险的着陆--飞机实际上飞过了4次,我有点担心它根本就不会试着着陆。 www.ted.com 4. Moments later it reappeared and taxieduptothecruiseship,no doubtlettingoffanewgroupofguestsforanAlaskanadventure. 过了一会飞机又出现了,在水面上朝巡航船滑行,无疑是让一批参加阿拉斯加探险的新游客下来。 5. taxiedthechildrentodanceclass;taxidocumentstoalawoffice. 用出租汽车送儿童去上舞蹈课;用出租汽车把文件送到律师事务所 wenwen.soso.com 6. Istartedtheairplane,ranthroughallofourgroundchecks,taxiedouttotheend of the runway,andtookoff. 我启动飞机之后,按程序完成了所有地面检查内容,滑跑到跑道头的位置,然后起飞。 7. Allengineparametersandflightdeckindicationswerenormalasthe737taxiedouttotherunway.Theaircraft took off using full power. 当这架737飞机滑到跑道的过程中,所有的发动机参数和驾驶舱指示均正常。 www.china-cam.cn 8. I let the planedowngently,pulledofftherunway,andtaxiedbacktoparking. 我稳稳地降落了飞机,驶离跑道,滑行回了停机场。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. TheKLMjetdepartedwithoutpermissionandstruck the Pan Amjetasittaxied along the samerunway. KLM机未经允许就起飞导致了和正在滑行的PanAm机在同一跑道上相撞。 10. Theaircrafttaxiedonitsownengines back to runway10whereitunderwentinspectionsandnecessaryrepairs. 自身发动机飞机滑行跑道10,在那里接受检查和必要的维修。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org
权威例句Taxied to the holding position.METHOD OF RECYCLING AN EPITAXIED DONOR WAFERPhotoluminescence of hydrothermally epitaxied ZnO filmsPilot averts crash at O'Hare // Cargo plane taxied into jet's pathDielectric properties of hydrothermally epitaxied I–V perovskite thin filmsPerpendicularly magnetized τ-MnAl (001) thin films epitaxied on GaAsRevealing the volume magnetic anisotropy of Fe films epitaxied on GaAs(001) surfaceCo doping enhanced giant magnetocaloric effect in Mn 1-x Co x As films epitaxied on GaAs (001)Low-temperature Raman fingerprints for few-quintuple layer topological insulator Bi2Se3 films epitaxied on GaAs.Film: Fasten Your Seat Belts, the Air Crash Movie Is Back ; the Disaster-in-the-Skies Film Genre Taxied to a Halt after the 1980 Spo...
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