单词 | Templars |
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是什么意思 变形复数:templars 英英释义Templars
以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 双语例句1. And just like theexampleinthequestion,StalkerswithblinkabilityandHighTemplarswithpsionicstormcanbecounterBansheesaswell. 并且如你问题中所说,有闪烁技能的蹑踪者和有灵能风暴的高阶圣堂武士都可以很好的反击女妖。 game.ali213.net 2. "ThebattlecryoftheTemplars. The screaming of that word by a mass of charging knights wasenoughtoinstillabsolutefearinanenemy." “圣殿武士在战场上的呐喊声。一大群的骑士们喊着这同一话语本身就足以在敌人心中建立恐惧。” 3. SomeoftheTemplarsescapedtoPortugal,where(fora fewyears)they enjoyed the protection of its king. 一些圣骑士逃到了葡萄牙,那儿的国王给予了他们充分保护。 4. AndsuddenlyI'malone,standinginaburningforest, with the bodiesoftemplarsand wardens at my feet. 突然我又形单影只了。我站在一片燃烧的森林中,脚下到处是圣殿骑士和灰卫的尸体。 bbs.3dmgame.com 5. TheTemplarswereterminatedasheretics,neveragaintoholdthepowerthattheyhad held for so long. 圣殿骑士们因为被说成是异教徒而被判处死刑,失去了他们长期以来所拥有的权利。 6. Knights serving in theTemplarsforashort termequippedwithalance,maceandheavyarmour. 圣殿骑士团荣誉骑士为骑士团短期成员,装备骑枪、狼牙棒和重型盔甲。 7. i heard that thereexistsanadvancedprotossbuildingnamedDarkObelisk,whichunlocksproductionofDarkTemplars. 记得星灵有一个用来解锁黑暗圣堂,叫做黑暗尖塔的高级建筑。 8. Lars wrote inhisjournal about the de Blancheforts' secret,onesupposedlydatingfrom1307, the timeoftheTemplars'arrest. 在他的日记中佬司写道狄浩普的秘密,那秘密据说上溯到1307年,在圣殿大逮捕时期。 9. InFrance,King Philip IV owedtheTemplarsalot of money, which hedidn'treallyfeel likerepaying. 法国国王菲利普四世欠了圣殿骑士团不少债,事实上他也压根没想过要还债。 10. TheTemplars are the stuffoflegend,andtheirexploitshaveprovidedtheplotsformanyfilmsandpopularnovels. 圣殿骑士像神话一般,他们的英勇辉煌事迹为许多电影及畅销小说提供了各式各样的情节。 chihuahu.blogspot.com
权威例句The Trial of the Templars
The Templars in the Corona de Aragón by A. J. Forey The Fall of the Templars in the Crown of Aragon Templars as Proto-Zionists? The "German Colony"in Late Ottoman Haifa The murdered magicians. The templars and their myth The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307–1314) Temperance And Racism:John Bull, Johnny Reb, and the Good Templars Temperance And Racism: John Bull, Johnny Reb, and the Good Templars Bonds and tensions on the frontier : the Templars in twelfth-century Western Catalonia The lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and hydrogeological significance of the mud springs at Templars Firs, Wootton Bassett, Wiltsh... |
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