单词 | tenderers |
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tenderers是什么意思 学习怎么用 词组短语successful tenderer中标者 双语例句1. Thetenderersshallentertheword"NONE" against any itemforwhichhedoes notwishtoquote. 投标人应在其不拟报价的项目栏中写上“无”字。 ntcfy.com 2. Thedocumentation referred to in paragraph1shallincludealltheinformationrequired for the submissionoftendersbytenderers. 第一项文件内容,应包括投标厂商提交投标书所需之一切必要资料。 www.cntranslators.com 3. Tenderersshallsubmitatender bond that isnolessthan 2% of the totalsum of the tenderoffer. It shall be part of the tender. 投标人应提交金额为不少于投标报价总价2%的投标保证金,并作为其投标的一部分。 www.eduzhai.net 4. period,thecompanymayrequestthetenderers for a specifiedextensionoftheperiodofvalidity. 公司可在原定的投标有效期满之前向投标人提出投标有效期延长到另行规定时间的要求。 5. Tenderersortheirappointedalternatesmaybepresentatthetimeoftheopening of tenders. 投标人或其委托的代理人可在开标时出席。 ntcfy.com 6. Allscoringmethodsandstandardsshall be an indivisiblepart of the biddingdocumentsand be made publictothetenderers. 所有评分方法和标准应当作为招标文件不可分割的一部分并对投标人公开。 7. Normally,weallowatleastthreeweeksfortendererstosubmittheirbids. 一般而言,我们会让投标者最少有三个星期的时间来提交投标书。 www.fstb.gov.hk 8. Atendereeshallnotexcludepotentialtenderersby means of preliminaryqualificationexamination. 招标人不得通过资格预审排斥潜在投标人。 9. Goodsandservices to be providedbytenderers shall be quoted in the currencyofUSdollar. 投标人提供的货物和服务用美元货币报价。 10. The tenders ofthetendererswhofail the post-qualification examinationshallbedealt with as nullified tenders. 经资格后审不合格的投标人的投标应作废标处理。
权威例句Instructions for tenderersInstructions for tenderersA fuzzy colour quantizer for TenderersAbnormally Low Tenders: With an Emphasis on Public TenderersChallenges and obstacles facing tenderers adopting e-tendering in the public sector of the construction industry in EgyptMulti-criteria decision making (MCDM) for technical evaluation of tenderers: A review of methods employedEvaluation method based on artificial neural network in contractor prequalification of tenderersEU Directives as Anticorruption Measures : Excluding Corruption-convicted Tenderers from Public Procurement ContractsIncorporating project specific criteria and client utility into the evaluation of construction tenderersThe Marketing Problems and Its Countermeasures of the Winning Home Appliances to Countryside Tenderers: On Perspective of Marketing ...
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