单词 | tramped |
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是什么意思 变形复数:tramps 现在分词:tramping 过去分词:tramped 英英释义tramp[ tr?mp ]
学习怎么用 词组短语on the tramp走江湖,跑码头;漂泊着 双语例句1. Suchalargecourtyardwasinstantaneouslytrampedintoa pieceofmuddyland. 偌大一个院子,霎时就被这纷乱的人群踩踏成了一片烂泥滩。 yesunwei.blog.163.com 2. Wetrampedandclimbaround all over it, and by and by foundagoodbigcavern in the rock, most up tothetoponthesidetowardsIllinois. 我们围着这处地方爬上爬下,终于发现了山岩里有一个大山洞,是对着伊利诺斯州那一边的,快到山顶了。 www.putclub.com 3. Everysummer,all day long,herdsofvolunteerstrampedinandout of the house'sopendoorscarryingboxesofcampaigngear. 每年夏天,家里的门从早到晚都敞开着,成群的志愿者们扛着一箱箱竞选用品出出入入。 4. Hetrampedsteadilyonthroughthewheatstubble,walkingfast,hisheadinawhirl. 他踩着麦梗稳步前进,走得很快,头脑里昏昏沉沉的。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Hetrampedupanddowntheplatformwaiting for the train. 他脚步沈重地在月台上走来走去,等候火车。 www.vicn.net 6. Thechildrentrampedthewoodslookingforstrawberries. 孩子们走在这片树林之中,寻找着草莓。 7. TheytrampedroundbutasAlanalreadyknew, there was nowayin. 绕,但正如阿兰早就知道的那样,无路可进。 www.ttxyy.com 8. Mothers held their frightenedchildren to their skirtsforfear they might betrampedbythefourgreathooves. 母亲把受了惊吓的孩子搂在身边,怕被马的四只大蹄子踩着。 9. Hetrampedupanddownthestreetwaiting for his friendtocome. 他在街道上步伐沈重地走来走去,等待朋友的到来。 www.hotdic.com 10. Theytrampedthroughthewoodsall day. 他们整天穿越树林。 www.hotdic.com
权威例句Fulham vintage yet to be tramped outWhy the Lady Tramped from the Streets of Vienna to the LakesBig Rock (Sugar) candy Mountain? How George Orwell Tramped toward Animal FarmTramped teats - clinical mastitis disease complex in tied cows. Environmental risk factors and interrelationships with other diseases.Hot Hand In A Cold Clime Led by James Worthy, North Carolina tramped through the ice and snow to beat a star-studded field in the th...THE GREAT TEST; He Acknowledged Players' Tribute -- and Then Tramped off to the Dugout to Start His Work; 25 Year Special; Guard of ...Guard of Honour That Says. THANKS, FERGIE; He Acknowledged the Honour -- and Then Tramped off Too the Dugout to Start His Work; 25 Y...Guard of Honour That Says.THANKS, FERGIE; He Acknowledged Players' Tribute -- and Then Tramped off to the Dugout to Start His Work; ...Longleat's Oldest Lion Parties on with Pride Bohemian Lord Bath Is Celebrating 50 Years in Which 7 Million People H Ave Tramped thro...It's Open House at Our Place Every Day; by the End of the Summer Thousands of People Will Have Tramped Round Historic Houses That Ar...
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