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单词 troubler


  • 释义

    [法] 捣乱者,闹事者;

  • 双语释义

    1. [U][C]困难,忧虑,烦扰,麻烦事 (sth that causes) difficulty, worry, annoyance, or suffering
    2. [U]困境,险境 a difficult or dangerous position or situation
    3. [U]惹出麻烦的处境 a position in which one is blamed for doing wrong or thought to have done wrong
    4. [U]麻烦,不方便,费事 (sth that causes) more than usual work or effort; inconvenience
    5. [C][U]动乱,骚乱,纠纷 (an occasion of) political or social disorder
    6. [U]毛病,故障 failure to work properly
    7. [C][U]过错,缺点 a fault; a bad or annoying quality
    1. vi. 费神; 费心 bother or inconvenience oneself
    2. vt. 使忧虑 cause worry, discomfort, anxiety or inconvenience to
    3. vt. 打扰 agitate; disturb



    • n.someone who deliberately stirs up trouble

      同义词:troublemakertrouble makermischief-makerbad hat



    用作名词 (n.)
    • adjust trouble调解纠纷
    • allay trouble减轻麻烦
    • anticipate trouble预见困难
    • ask for trouble自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
    • bear trouble忍受困难
    • borrow trouble自找麻烦
    • bring trouble自找麻烦
    • bury trouble忘却痛苦
    • cause trouble引起麻烦
    • cost trouble费事
    • develop trouble出故障
    • end trouble结束痛苦
    • face trouble正视困难
    • forget one's trouble忘记自己的烦恼
    • get into trouble陷入困境
    • get out of trouble摆脱困境
    • go to trouble费力
    • have trouble有困难,有毛病,受(病痛)折磨
    • invite trouble招致不幸
    • keep out of trouble不卷入纠纷
    • lead to trouble出乱子,导致纠纷
    • lessen trouble减少烦恼
    • locate trouble查明故障
    • look for trouble寻衅闹事
    • make trouble制造麻烦
    • put to trouble添麻烦
    • remedy trouble医治疾病
    • start trouble制造麻烦,惹是生非
    • stop trouble终止烦恼
    • take the trouble to不辞辛苦地去…
    • throw away one's trouble摆脱烦恼
    • give sb trouble给某人添麻烦
    • save sb trouble给某人省麻烦
    • spare sb further trouble不再麻烦某人
    • annoying trouble使人烦恼的困境
    • associate trouble相关的苦恼
    • complex trouble复杂的困难
    • cruel trouble令人痛苦的烦恼
    • distressing trouble令人苦恼的麻烦
    • economic trouble经济上的困难
    • endless trouble无止境的烦恼
    • great trouble很大的麻烦
    • hopeless trouble一筹莫展的困境
    • infinite trouble无穷的烦恼
    • international trouble国际争端
    • invincible trouble无法排解的苦恼
    • lifelong trouble终生的苦恼
    • major trouble主要困难
    • measurable trouble适度的忧虑
    • mental trouble精神病
    • monetary trouble经济上的困难
    • much trouble许多烦恼
    • pathetic trouble感情上的麻烦
    • perpetual trouble没完没了的麻烦
    • personal trouble个人的烦恼
    • political trouble政治纷争
    • powerful trouble极大的烦恼
    • real trouble极大的麻烦
    • respiratory trouble呼吸道疾病
    • serious trouble严重的麻烦
    • terrible trouble可怕的烦恼,极大的麻烦
    • unfortunate trouble不幸的麻烦
    • vague trouble起因不明的麻烦
    • worldly trouble尘世的烦恼
    • wretched trouble极大的麻烦
    • back trouble背痛
    • car trouble汽车故障
    • engine trouble发动机故障
    • eye trouble眼疾
    • family trouble家庭纠纷
    • heart trouble心脏病
    • kidney trouble肾病
    • labour trouble劳工纠纷
    • liver trouble肝病
    • skin trouble皮肤病
    • stomach trouble胃病
    • telephone trouble电话故障
    • throat trouble喉病
    • traffic trouble交通故障
    • trouble clerk故障记录员
    • trouble lamp故障探查灯
    • trouble maker惹是生非的人
    • trouble spot惹麻烦之处,麻烦不断的地方
    • in trouble处于不幸中
    • a bit of trouble一点儿麻烦
    • a great deal of trouble不少麻烦
    • a lot of trouble不少苦,很多麻烦
    • out of trouble脱离了困境
    • without trouble无纷争
    • trouble between two persons两人间的纠纷
    • trouble over the noise噪音纠纷
    • trouble with one's back背痛之苦
    • trouble with the neighbours与邻居的纠纷
    • trouble with the police和警察当局之间的麻烦
    用作动词 (v.)
    • trouble parents使父母忧虑
    • trouble teacher使老师担心
    • trouble water把水搅浑
    • trouble deeply深感烦恼
    • trouble distressingly令人痛苦地折磨
    • trouble dreadfully折磨得苦不堪言
    • trouble impudently冒失地打扰
    • trouble infinitely不停地打扰
    • trouble obscurely无缘无故地担忧
    • trouble perpetually没完没了地打扰
    • trouble profoundly深深地担忧
    • trouble seriously深感忧虑
    • trouble about〔over〕为…而费心
    • trouble for请求…给予…
    • trouble with因…而使人烦恼


    1. I find getting up early a great trouble.
    2. I'm sorry to have to put you to so much trouble.
    3. Don't mention my name or you'll get me into trouble.
    1. I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.
    2. May I trouble you to move your chair a bit?


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