单词 | winglets |
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winglets是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Wingletsaffect the part ofdrag called induced drag.Asairisdeflectedthewing, the total liftvectortiltsback. 由于气流的方向受机翼影响而发生转折,合升力的方向就向后倾斜。 2. Thoughtheboardsthemselveslooklittledifferent,thechangesareinthecrosssections of the wingletsattached to them. 尽管侧板本身看起来没有什么大的变化,但连接在上面的小翼交叉部分却发生了变化。 3. Thecontrolmethodhasbeenagreed for the "winglets"on the noseandtailofBloodhound. 这种控制方法和猎犬号鼻翼和尾部所采用的翼翅向一致。 4. Wingletsaffectthepartofdragcalledinduceddrag. 翼梢小翼影响一部分名为诱导阻力的阻力。 5. Forexample, it outfitteditswholefleetwithroundedwinglets. 例如为全部的机群配置圆形的机翼。 www.ecocn.org 6. MechanismofFlutterControlofSuspension BridgesbyWinglets 气动翼板抑制悬索桥颤振的物理机理 www.ilib.cn 7. Thewingletswillbeusedtotrimaerodynamicloadsifrequired 如果需要,翼展将用来消弱气动荷载 8. DataOptimizationandWind TunnelTestofUAVWinglets 无人机翼尖小翼参数优化及风洞试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Redwingletswoodofstraightline 直纹红檀木 www.bmlink.com
权威例句Design of Winglets for High-Performance SailplanesMorphing Winglets for Aircraft Multi-Phase ImprovementAircraft Control via Variable Cant-Angle WingletsEffect of Winglets on Performance and Handling Qualities of General Aviation AircraftWind turbine with rotor blades equipped with winglets and blades for such rotorHeat Transfer Enhancement for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers With WingletsHeat transfer enhancement in cross-flow heat exchangers using oval tubes and multiple delta wingletsA design approach and selected wind tunnel results at high subsonic speeds for wing-tip mounted wingletsHeat transfer augmentation along the tube wall of a louvered fin heat exchanger using practical delta wingletsA comparative study on the air-side performance of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchanger with punched delta winglets in staggered and in-...
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