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单词 writes


  • v.

    写( write的第三人称单数 );写信;

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 写 draw on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper
    2. vt. 写信 compose (a letter), and usually post it



    • v.
      • produce a literary work


      • communicate or express by writing

        "Please write to me every week"

      • have (one's written work) issued for publication

        "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"


      • communicate (with) in writing

        同义词:drop a line

      • communicate by letter
      • write music


      • mark or trace on a surface
      • record data on a computer
      • write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)


      • create code, write a computer program

        "She writes code faster than anybody else"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • write a book写书
    • write a book report写读书报告
    • write a composition写作文
    • write a film script写电影剧本
    • write a good hand写一手好字
    • write a letter写封信
    • write a novel写小说
    • write a paper写论文
    • write a play写剧本
    • write a poem写诗
    • write a poor hand字写得不好
    • write admirably极为成功地写
    • write affectionately深情地写
    • write anonymously匿名写
    • write appealingly有趣地写
    • write artistically富有艺术创造力地写
    • write assiduously持之以恒地写
    • write authoritatively权威地写
    • write badly写得差
    • write barbarously无礼地写
    • write brilliantly高明地写
    • write calmly悄悄地写
    • write carefully细心地写
    • write characteristically具有特色地写
    • write charitably慷慨地写
    • write clearly写得清楚
    • write confidentially秘密地写
    • write confidently满怀信心地写
    • write conscientiously诚心诚意地写
    • write consistently始终如一地写
    • write contemptuously傲慢地写
    • write convincingly令人信服地写
    • write cordially真心诚意地写
    • write creditably值得称赞地写
    • write crudely无理地写
    • write cynically愤世嫉俗地写
    • write daintily斯文地写
    • write deceitfully不诚实地写
    • write deliberately有意地写
    • write depreciatingly不情愿地写
    • write determinedly坚决地写
    • write earnestly认真地写
    • write energetically有力地写
    • write enthusiastically全心全意地写
    • write exorbitantly极其过分地写
    • write expertly熟练地写
    • write expressly快速地写
    • write extemporaneously临时地写
    • write falteringly犹豫地写
    • write fascinatingly迷人地写
    • write genially亲切地写
    • write glibly圆滑地写
    • write gloomily忧伤地写
    • write graphically形象地写
    • write grotesquely可笑地写
    • write hesitatingly犹豫不决地写
    • write hurriedly匆忙地写
    • write ignobly不光彩地写
    • write impatiently不耐烦地写
    • write impiously不恭地写
    • write impudently厚颜无耻地写
    • write inadvertently非故意地写
    • write industriously勤奋地写
    • write ineffectually效果不佳地写
    • write ingeniously巧妙地写
    • write inscrutably高深莫测地写
    • write insidiously不知不觉地写
    • write instinctively凭直觉写
    • write intermittently断断续续地写
    • write involuntarily不由自主地写
    • write irresistibly不可抗拒地写
    • write laboriously努力地写
    • write languidly懒散地写
    • write laudably值得赞美地写
    • write left-handedly用左手写字
    • write listlessly无精打采地写
    • write ludicrously荒唐可笑地写
    • write magnanimously大度地写
    • write mechanically习惯性地写
    • write methodically有条理地写
    • write necessarily有必要地写
    • write painfully痛苦地写
    • write passionately热情地写
    • write philosophically冷静地写
    • write phlegmatically冷淡地写
    • write physically踏踏实实地写
    • write personally亲自写
    • write picturesquely生动地写
    • write prematurely提前地写
    • write pretentiously狂妄地写
    • write politely彬彬有礼地写
    • write poorly很少写
    • write professionally专业化地写
    • write punctually准时写
    • write realistically用写实手法写
    • write regularly定期地写
    • write rhythmically有节奏地写
    • write satirically讽刺性地写
    • write scientifically科学地写
    • write simultaneously同一时间地写
    • write sincerely严肃地写
    • write solemnly庄严地写
    • write superficially表面上地写
    • write systematically系统地写
    • write thoroughly详尽地写
    • write thoughtfully考虑周到地写
    • write tremulously大胆地写
    • write uncomfortably不自在地写
    • write unexpectedly意外地写
    • write unthinkingly不假思索地写
    • write urgently急切地写
    • write vigorously精力充沛地写
    • write away一个劲写下去
    • write back回信
    • write down写下来
    • write in插写进去
    • write off注销,取消
    • write off a bad debt划去无法收回的账
    • write out写出来
    • write out a speech写演说辞
    • write up把(姓名等)写在公共场合,把(笔记等)整理成文
    • write about写,描写
    • write about the war描写战争
    • write for为…写作,为…撰稿
    • write for magazines为杂志撰稿
    • write for the press为报刊写文章
    • write from one's own experience根据自己的亲身经历来写作
    • write in用…写
    • write in chalk用粉笔写
    • write of写,描写
    • write of the war描写战争
    • write on在…上写,以…为题写
    • write on mathematics写数学著作
    • write to写信给,为…填词
    • write to that shop写信给那家商店
    • write under a pen name用笔名写作
    • write with ease笔墨流畅


    write down写下;减低帐面价值;把…描写成

    read and write读和写;直读式记录

    write in写入;写信提出(请求等);在选票上加写(非原定候选人的名字)

    write about写到

    write a letter写信

    write on写,记述;在…上写

    write out写出;取消某角色;誊写

    write an article写文章

    write off勾销;取消;很快地写好

    write up写文章赞扬;提高资产等的账面价值;详细记载;补写

    write back回复,回信

    write a report写报告

    write operation写入操作

    write head写磁头;写头

    write the book 发起,开创,倡导 , 非常有权威或有经验;擅长

    write words作词

    write home about vt. 值得详述

    write soon尽快回信

    write checks开支票

    write a play编剧,写剧本



    1. I've been writing for three hours.
    2. Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.
    3. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write.
    4. The new doctor smiled smugly as he continued to write on his clipboard.
    5. Britten was born in 1913 and began to write music while he was still very young.


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