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单词 blow


英 [bl??]
美 [blo?]
  • n.


  • vt.& vi.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. vt. & vi. 吹; 吹气; 刮风 be moving
    2. vt. & vi. (使)吹响,吹奏 (cause to) sound by blowing
    3. vt. & vi. (使)爆炸 (cause to) explode or be destroyed by exploding
    1. [C]一击,打击 a hard stroke with the open or closed hand or with a weapon; a bad effect on one's confidence, hopes, likelihood of success


    blow[ bl?u ]

    • n.
      • a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon

        "a blow on the head"

      • an impact (as from a collision)


      • an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating

        同义词:reversereversalsetbackblack eye

      • an unpleasant or disappointing surprise


      • a strong current of air


      • street names for cocaine

        同义词:cokenose candysnowC

      • forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth

        "he gave his nose a loud blow"


    • v.
      • exhale hard

        "blow on the soup to cool it down"

      • be blowing or storming
      • free of obstruction by blowing air through

        "blow one's nose"

      • be in motion due to some air or water current

        "The leaves were blowing in the wind"

        同义词:floatdriftbe adrift

      • make a sound as if blown
      • shape by blowing
      • make a mess of, destroy or ruin

        同义词:botchbodgebumblefumblebotch upmuffflubscrew upball upspoilmuck upbunglefluffbollixbollix upbollocksbollocks upbobblemishandlelouse upfoul upmess upfuck up

      • spend thoughtlessly; throw away


      • spend lavishly or wastefully on
      • sound by having air expelled through a tube
      • play or sound a wind instrument
      • provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation

        同义词:fellatego down on

      • cause air to go in, on, or through
      • cause to move by means of an air current
      • spout moist air from the blowhole
      • leave; informal or rude

        同义词:shove offshove along

      • lay eggs

        "certain insects are said to blow"

      • cause to be revealed and jeopardized

        "The double agent was blown by the other side"

      • show off

        同义词:boasttoutswashshoot a linebraggasblustervauntgasconade

      • allow to regain its breath

        "blow a horse"

      • melt, break, or become otherwise unusable

        同义词:blow outburn out

      • burst suddenly


    用作动词 (v.)
    • blow a cool air吹起一股凉气
    • blow a fuse烧断保险丝,〈俚〉勃然大怒
    • blow a kiss送去一个飞吻
    • blow glass吹制玻璃器皿
    • blow great guns刮大风,(风)刮的猛
    • blow musical instruments吹响乐器
    • blow one's lid〈俚〉勃然大怒
    • blow one's lines忘记台词
    • blow one's nose擤鼻子
    • blow one's own trumpet自吹自擂
    • blow one's stack大发雷霆
    • blow one's top〈俚〉发脾气,大动肝火
    • blow the boat ashore把小船吹向岸边
    • blow the coals煽动,教唆
    • blow the expense挥霍,瞎花钱
    • blow the gaff〈英俚〉揭露事实真相
    • blow the whistle〈美俚〉告发,揭发,(使)停下来
    • blow hot and cold摇摆不定
    • blow open吹开
    • blow shut吹闭
    • blow strong刮得很猛
    • blow hard强劲地刮
    • blow high向高处吹
    • blow low向低处吹
    • blow adversely逆风吹
    • blow aggressively过分地刮过
    • blow badly直喘气
    • blow ceaselessly不停地刮
    • blow gently轻轻地吹
    • blow gustily猛刮
    • blow heavily猛烈地刮
    • blow incessantly不断地刮
    • blow irresistibly无法阻挡地刮
    • blow keenly寒风刺骨地刮
    • blow languorously无力地刮
    • blow lethally拼命地刮
    • blow northerly吹自北方地
    • blow placidly平静地刮
    • blow shrewdly凛冽地刮着风
    • blow softly轻轻地吹
    • blow southerly吹自南方地
    • blow spasmodically(风)阵阵地刮
    • blow tempestuously暴风雨般地吹
    • blow viciously猛烈地刮
    • blow violently猛烈地刮
    • blow widely到处传播
    • blow about吹散,传播
    • blow away吹走
    • blow one's papers away把某人的文件吹跑
    • blow down吹倒,刮倒
    • blow down trees吹倒树木
    • blow in(风)吹进来,非正式访问
    • blow in the dust(风)把灰尘吹进来
    • blow off炸掉,吹掉
    • blow off one's hat吹掉帽子
    • blow round吹过
    • blow the dust off把灰尘吹掉
    • blow the chimney pot down把烟囱吹倒
    • blow the leaves in把树叶吹进来
    • blow the whistle on告发
    • blow out吹出,吹灭,(使)爆裂
    • blow out one's brain以枪打死人
    • blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛
    • blow over(风暴)过去,(忧虑)消失
    • blow sb over把某人吹倒
    • blow up(风)开始刮,产生,出现,(使)充气,(使)爆裂,放大(照片),发怒,失败
    • blow up the enemy bridge炸毁敌人的桥梁
    • blow about吹散,传播
    • blow against one's face迎面吹来
    • blow at a candle对准蜡烛吹
    • blow for为…斗争
    • blow from从…刮风
    • blow in gusts(风)一阵一阵地吹
    • blow in the wind(旗)迎风飘扬
    • blow into sb's ear往某人耳里吹风,附耳而言
    • blow off刮走,吹掉
    • blow on〔upon〕对…吹气
    • blow on one's face吹到脸上
    • blow on the mirror在镜子上哈气
    • blow over吹过去
    • blow through吹过…
    用作名词 (n.)
    • administer blow实施攻击
    • aim blow对准打
    • break blow粉碎性打击
    • breast blow对着胸部猛打
    • deal blow狠狠打
    • deliver blow打击
    • dodge blow躲开攻击
    • encounter blow遇到打击
    • evade blow逃避打击
    • exchange blow殴斗,打架
    • execute blow实施攻击
    • experience blow经受打击
    • fetch blow挨打
    • give blow打
    • impart blow一击
    • inflict blow实施毁灭性打击
    • interchange blows轮流打架
    • parry blow忍受打击
    • receive blow受到打击
    • return blow回击
    • shower blow雨点般地打击
    • strike blow打击
    • suffer blow受到打击
    • survive blow幸免挨打
    • thrust blow强行攻击
    • trade blow互相打起来
    • ward off blow躲开打击
    • accusative blow谴责性的攻击
    • aggressive blow挑衅性的攻击
    • amorous blow情感方面的攻击
    • annihilating blow消灭性的攻击
    • bitter blow极大的攻击
    • breathless blow悄悄的攻击
    • critical blow决定性的打击
    • cruel blow残酷的打击
    • crushing blow决定性的打击
    • decisive blow决定性的打击
    • deplorable blow可悲的打击
    • descending blow袭击
    • dexterous blow敏捷的攻击
    • doughty blow勇猛的攻击
    • drunken blow摇摇晃晃的攻击
    • dull blow迟钝的打击
    • echoless blow无声的打击
    • every blow每挨一打
    • faithless blow无信誉的打击
    • fatal blow致命的打击
    • final blow第一次动手
    • finishing blow最后的打击
    • first blow第一次打击
    • frightful blow可怕的打击
    • great blow沉重的打击
    • hammer-like blow像锤子一样的打击
    • hard-dealt blow狠狠的打击
    • head-on blow迎头痛击
    • heartless blow无情的打击
    • heavy blow重击
    • hollow blow虚张声势的打击
    • impending blow即将发生的打击
    • implacable blow难以平息的打击
    • ineffective blow无效的打击
    • ineradicable blow不可避免的打击
    • irreparable blow无可挽救的打击
    • irresistible blow无法抗拒的打击
    • knockout blow打倒对手的打击
    • lethal blow致命的打击
    • menaced blow威胁性的打击
    • mortal blow致命的打击
    • nasty blow恶意的攻击
    • national blow对国家的打击
    • painful blow痛打
    • percussive blow令人震惊的打击
    • perennial blow长期的打击
    • powerful blow有力的打击
    • repeated blow连续的打击
    • resounding blow发出响声的打击
    • sacrilegious blow亵渎的打击
    • sad blow沉痛的打击
    • serious blow沉重的打击
    • severe blow严重的打击
    • sharpest blow猛的一击
    • sledge hammer blow重大的打击
    • solid blow严肃的打击
    • staggering blow摇摇晃晃的打击
    • strong blow用力一击
    • sudden blow突然一击
    • swashing blow虚张声势的打击
    • swift blow快速攻击
    • terrible blow可怕的打击
    • threatened blow恐吓性的打击
    • unexpected blow意外的打击
    • viciousblow恶毒的打击
    • violent blow猛击
    • well-directed blow方向明确的攻击
    • death blow致命打击
    • blow followed接下来地打击
    • blow rained down upon拳头雨点般地打击


    blow to something[口语]款待,请(客);对待(某事物)

    blow up爆发,爆炸;放大;使充气

    blow molding吹塑,吹塑法

    blow on v. 吹凉(食物);开炉

    blow out吹熄;爆裂

    heavy blow强力的打击

    blow in v. 偶然来访;被风吹进;井喷;[美俚]挥霍

    wind blow刮风

    blow off v. 放出;吹掉

    air blow鼓风

    blow away吹走;驱散

    blow over平息;被淡忘;消散;停止

    blow moulding[化]吹塑

    blow hot and cold摇摆不定;喜怒无常

    blow molding machine吹塑机;吹塑成型机

    hard blow重拳;猛击

    blow hole气孔,气眼;铸件气孔

    blow your nose擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕

    blow down炸毁;吹倒

    be blown out[美国俚语](吸毒后)飘飘然



    1. The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.
    2. I was dazed by the blow on my head.
    3. Bill knocked him down with one blow.
    1. Now, Peter, make a wish and blow out the candles.
    2. It's blowing hard tonight.
    3. It is bad manners to blow your nose at table.
    4. A short circuit will blow the fuse.
    5. If you put on the iron, the fuse will blow out .
    6. I really blew the chances with Marilyn when I told her she looked fat in the dress she was wearing.


    Low current blow trim fuse
    Blow-up of positive solutions of semilinear heat equations
    Remarks on blow-up and nonexistence theorems for nonlinear evolution equations
    The Role of Critical Exponents in Blow-Up Theorems: The Sequel ☆
    Well-posedness and Blow-up Solutions for an Integrable Nonlinearly Dispersive Model Wave Equation
    Uniform estimates and blow-up behavior for solutions of $-Delta u=V(x)esp u$ in two dimensions.
    Apriori estimates and blow-up of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations and inequalities
    Global well-posedness, scattering and blow-up for the energy-critical focusing non-linear wave equation
    Medical education in the anatomical sciences: The winds of change continue to blow
    Global well-posedness, scattering and blow-up for the energy-critical, focusing, non-linear Schr?dinger equation in the radial case




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