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单词 action


英 [??k?n]
美 [??k??n]
  • n.


  • 变形



    1. [U]行动; 行为过程 the process of doing sth in order to make sth happen or to deal with a situation
    2. [C]所做之事; 行为 a thing that sb does; sth done
    3. [U]〈非正〉激动人心的事 exciting events; all the exciting or important events that happen in a particular situation or place
    4. [U](故事,戏剧等中的)情节 the events in a story, play, etc.
    5. [U][C]战斗; 作战 fighting in a battle a war
    6. [U](一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用 the effect that one substance or chemical has on another
    1. vt. 采取行动; 采取措施 take appropriate steps to make sure that sth is done or dealt with


    action[ '?k??n ]

    • n.
      • something done (usually as opposed to something said)

        "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"

      • the state of being active

        "he is out of action"


      • a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong

        同义词:legal actionaction at law

      • an act by a government body or supranational organization

        "recent federal action undermined the segregationist position"; "the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues"; "the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves"

      • a military engagement

        "he saw action in Korea"

        同义词:military action

      • a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)

        "the action of natural forces"

        同义词:natural processnatural actionactivity

      • the series of events that form a plot

        "his novels always have a lot of action"

      • the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism

        "the piano had a very stiff action"

        同义词:action mechanism

      • the trait of being active and energetic and forceful

        "a man of action"

      • the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field

        "the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds"; "gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible"

    • v.
      • institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against

        "She actioned the company for discrimination"


      • put in effect

        "He actioned the operation"

        同义词:carry throughaccomplishexecutecarry outfulfillfulfil



    用作名词 (n.)
    • bring an action起诉(某人)
    • take action采取行动
    • chemical action化学作用
    • civil action民事诉讼
    • combined action协同作战
    • concerted action一致行动
    • daring action勇敢的行为
    • decisive action果断行动
    • defensive action防御战
    • delaying action阻止战斗
    • desperate action困兽之斗
    • direct action直接行动
    • disciplinary action处分
    • drastic action激烈的行动
    • evasive action规避动作
    • firm action果断的行动
    • flanking action翼侧作战
    • further action进一步的行动
    • hasty action仓促的行动
    • immediate action即刻行动
    • independent action独立行动
    • industrial action劳工行动
    • kind action友好行为
    • legal action法律行动
    • local action局部战斗
    • political action政治行动
    • prompt action即刻行动
    • punitive action讨伐行动
    • rash action草率的行动
    • remedial action补救措施
    • rude action粗鲁行为
    • strong action强硬的行动
    • united action一致行动
    • vigorous action有力行动
    • voluntary action自愿的行动
    • worthless action无用的行动
    • class action〈美〉集团诉讼
    • court action法庭起诉
    • enemy action敌方行动
    • holding action牵制性行动
    • job action〈美〉临时罢工示威
    • joint action联合行动
    • military action军事行动
    • night actions夜战行动
    • offensive action进攻战
    • protest action抗议行动
    • rearguard action后卫战斗
    • reflex action反射作用
    • emergency action应急行动
    • action radius活动半径
    • action station战斗岗位
    • by the action of在…的作用下
    • in action在运转,在操作
    • out of action失去效用
    • regret at sb's action对某人的行为遗憾
    • produce by chemical action通过化学作用产生
    • be ready for action准备行动
    • regret for sb's action对某人的行为遗憾
    • responsible for one's actions对自己的行为负责
    • time for the action采取行动的时候
    • be quick in action动作敏捷
    • lead in action带头
    • slow in action行动缓慢
    • sudden in one's action行动突然
    • bring into action使投入战斗,进入战斗,参战
    • bring sth into action使起作用,使开动,使生效
    • call sth into action使起作用,使开动,使生效
    • come into action使投入战斗,进入战斗,参战
    • go into action使投入战斗,进入战斗,参战
    • plunge into action立即投入行动
    • roar into action隆隆响着开始工作
    • sting sb into action激起某人的行动
    • swing into action使投入战斗,进入战斗,参战
    • translate into action变成行动,落实在行动上
    • chart the course of action计划行动的步骤
    • come out of action离职,停工
    • man of action实干家,活动家
    • piece of action一项活动
    • plan of action一项行动计划
    • receiver of an action动作的跟随者
    • wide field of action广阔的活动范围
    • woman of action女活动家
    • zone of action作战地带
    • correspond words to actions使言行一致起来
    • put a stop to this action制止这种行动
    • rouse to action使奋起,唤起某人采取行动
    • spur sb to action促使某人采取行动
    • sting sb to action激起某人的行动
    • responsible to one's actions对行为负责
    • under the action of在…的作用下
    • action against sb起诉某人
    • action for divorce离婚诉讼
    • action for libel对诽谤罪的诉讼
    • action of a drug on health药物对健康的作用
    • action of rain water on iron雨水对铁的作用
    • action of the mind精神作用
    • action of folly愚蠢的行动
    • action of a drug药物作用
    • action of the heart心脏的功能
    • action of the machine机器的作用
    • action of the weather风化作用
    • action of wind on a ship's sail风对帆船的作用


    take action采取行动;提出诉讼

    action on对…的作用

    in action在活动;在运转

    action plan行动计划;行动方案

    mechanism of action作用机制;作用机理

    course of action做法;行动步骤

    legal action法律诉讼

    action research行动研究;行为研究;动作研究

    civil action n. 民事诉讼

    pharmacological action药理作用

    corrective action n. 校正动作

    administrative action行政诉讼;行政裁定

    joint action联合行动;[机]接合动作;接合作用

    collective action集体行动;集体行为

    combined action共同作用;联合行动;复合作用

    direct action直接行动;直接作用

    action potential动作电位;动诅位

    out of action损坏;不运转;失去作用

    control action控制作用;控制动作

    disciplinary action纪律处分;训练活动



    operation, deed, performance, action, act







    deed, action, act

    deed 为正式用语,多指伟大的,显著的,感人的行为。如:They thanked him for his good deeds. (他们感谢他做的好事。)

    action 较正式,往往指不止包含一个步骤,且持续时间较长的行为或行动,强调行为的过程。如:Actions are more important than words. (行动比语言更重要。)

    act 用作名词时,与action, deed均可表“行为”,“举动”。Act指时间较短的个人行动或行为,强调结果。如:The farmer caught the boys in the act of stealing his apples. (农夫在孩子们正偷他的苹果时把他们抓住了。)


    1. There is no denying that your action has affected her normal life.
    2. After the security incident, you should create an action report that includes three simple goals.
    3. The government finally took some actions because the public had been pressing for inquiry into the question.
    4. The medicine will not take action until two hours later.
    5. The action lasted three hours and caused great casualties.
    6. In Scene 1, the action takes place in an expensive restaurant.
    7. The action took place in a seaside village.
    8. She had a fine action while dancing ballet.
    9. Finally she had to file an action for divorce.
    10. The action of your heart is perfect.


    Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive
    Social Foundations of Thought & Action: A Social Cognitive Theory
    Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social-Cognitive View.
    Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
    A Social Foundation of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory
    The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action
    The Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory
    Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action by Nan Lin
    Social foundations of thought and action : a social cognitive theory / Albert Bandura.
    From technical rationality to reflection-in-action BT - The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action




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