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单词 bound by

bound by



  1. If you join the club you must abide by its rules.
  2. I feel I'm bound to keep my promise.


Telomerase RNA bound by protein motifs specific to telomerase reverse transcriptase.
DNA microarrays: boundless technology or bound by technology? Guidelines for studies using microarray technology.
The G-box: a ubiquitous regulatory DNA element in plants bound by the GBF family of bZIP proteins.
Whole genome PCR: application to the identification of sequences bound by gene regulatory proteins.
77 Sequence features and chromatin structure around the genomic regions bound by 119 human transcription factors
Low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein are selectively bound by aggregated C-reactive protein
Precursor molecules of both human 5S ribosomal RNA and transfer RNAs are bound by a cellular protein reactive with anti-La lupus ant...
Spectrum of sialylated and nonsialylated fuco-oligosaccharides bound by the endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule E-selectin. Depe...
Proteasome subunits encoded in the MHC are not generally required for the processing of peptides bound by MHC class I molecules.
Urocortin II: A member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuropeptide family that is selectively bound by type 2 CRF recep...




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