单词 | bursted |
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bursted是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Onedayheburstedoutawhim:collectapopcan,earnedonlya fraction of money. 有一天他突发奇想:收一个易拉罐,才赚几分钱。 2. Perhapsalaughterburstedout from somewhere amuses allthepent-uptrees,thoseshygirlswhocould only smile with achuckle. 好像谁的一声笑语,逗乐了所有矜持的树,它们都是羞怯的少女,连笑声也脆咯盈盈。 www.douban.com 3. ThewholeKerryCenter,burstedintoagreatcarnival. 整个嘉里中心,好似狂欢节来到。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. cellnucleolusburstedinmembrane,nucleolusswelledordisappearedandagglutinatedwithchromatintogether. 使细胞核核膜破裂、核仁膨胀消失并与染色质凝集在一起。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Finally,some of the cartonsburstedintofireinonecorneronenight, and five workers were trapped. 终于在一个晚上,一些纸箱在一个角落里起火。 wenwen.soso.com 6. AllBubblesabovetheburstedgroupwillfalldownandshiftright. 以上爆集团所有泡沫就会摔倒和右移。 android.dingkoo.com 7. Thekidsoftheneighbourhoodwhoburstedmywheel. . . 邻居的小孩,把我的车胎弄坏了。 home.focus.cn 8. All of asudden,sheburstedintolaughter. 她突然间笑了起来。 www.93576.com 9. Especiallyatthefinishingmoment,Ijustburstedintolaughterafterthelastingnervousnessforthem. 尤其是在结束的时刻,我只是笑到爆后,他们持久的紧张。 n95.z1.la 10. Janny:Myhusbandburstedintoafurythismorning. 早上我丈夫怒了。 www.tingvoa.com
权威例句Simulation of pedestrian dynamics using a two-dimensional cellular automatonEffects of feeding intensity during the dry period. 1. Feed intake, body weight, and milk production.p4est : Scalable Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Forests of OctreesThe dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle flow: from local to global scales.A Stochastic Newton MCMC Method for Large-Scale Statistical Inverse Problems with Application to Seismic InversionControl of fingertip forces in multidigit manipulation.Control of grasp stability in humans under different frictional conditions during multidigit manipulation.A high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation through coupled elastic–acoustic mediaBothnia dystrophy caused by mutations in the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein gene (RLBP1) on chromosome 15q26.Algorithms and data structures for massively parallel generic adaptive finite element codes
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