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单词 Central Committee

Central Committee

英 [?sentr?l k??miti]
美 [?s?ntr?l k??m?ti]
  • 释义

    [经] 中央委员会;

  • 英英释义

    Central Committee

    • Central Committee was the common designation of a standing administrative body of communist parties, analogous to a board of directors, whether ruling or non-ruling in the 20th century and of the surviving states in the early 21st century. In such party organizations the committee would typically be made up of delegates elected at a party congress.




    1. Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories.


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    The Sixteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Hu Gets What?
    The Fourteenth Central Committee of the CCP: Technocracy or Political Technocracy?
    The Thirteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: From Mobilizers to Managers
    The 16th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: formal institutions and factional groups
    Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening the Health Care System Reform
    The Fifteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Full-Fledged Technocratic Leadership with Partial Control by Jiang Z...
    Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members in China
    Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members in China
    Decision of the Central Committee of The Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Refo...




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