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单词 Collow


  • 释义

    [人名] 科洛;

  • 学习怎么用


    Evaluation of NASA's MERRA Precipitation Product in Reproducing the Observed Trend and Distribution of Extreme Precipitation Events ...
    Large Scale Influences on Summertime Extreme Precipitation in the Northeastern United States
    Thirty-plus (30+) Years of Snowstorm Climatology Obtained from MERRA Ranalysis
    An Evaluation of Teleconnections Over the United States in an Ensemble of AMIP Simulations with the MERRA-2 Configuration of the GEO...
    Synoptic Scale Influences on Increasing Summertime Extreme Precipitation Events in the Northeastern United States
    Changes in Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Increased Extreme Precipitation Events in the Northeast United States
    Modifying the current sea ice thickness initialization in CFSv2 to improve prediction of Arctic surface sea ice
    Large Scale Influences on Drought and Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States
    Comparison of MERRA and MERRA-2 Climatology Based on Events Derived from Applying a Visibility Criterion Related to Blizzard-like Co...
    The impact of a psychosocial support programme on people with cancer : a thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington i...




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