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单词 aims


  • v.

    (以…)瞄准,针对( aim的第三人称单数 );努力;目的在于;以…为目标[目的]

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. (以…)瞄准; 针对 point (a gun etc.) towards; send, direct a blow or object at sb/sth
    2. vt. & vi. 以…为目标〔目的〕 have as an intention; try, direct one's efforts
    3. vt. & vi. 计划,打算 hope to reach one's purpose; plan
    1. [U]瞄准 the act of directing weapon, etc. at object; the act of aiming
    2. [C]目标,目的 purpose, intention, goal, target



    • n.
      • an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

        "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"


      • the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)


      • the action of directing something at an object

        "he took aim and fired"

      • the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies


    • v.
      • aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment

        "Please don't aim at your little brother!"

        同义词:taketraintake aimdirect

      • propose or intend

        "I aim to arrive at noon"


      • move into a desired direction of discourse


      • specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public


      • intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

        "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"


      • direct (a remark) toward an intended goal

        "She wanted to aim a pun"

      • have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

        同义词:draw a bead onaspireshoot for



    用作动词 (v.)
    • aim a blow(对…)打击
    • aim a fire把火力对准
    • aim a gun用枪对准
    • aim a missile把导弹瞄准
    • aim a pistol把枪对准
    • aim a stone抛掷石头
    • aim an arrow用箭对准
    • aim criticism使批评针对…
    • aim satire使讽刺针对…
    • aim high向上瞄准,雄心很大
    • aim low志向太低
    • aim straight直接对准
    • aim ambitiously有野心地打算
    • aim apparently明显地以…为目标
    • aim basically以…为基本目的
    • aim carefully仔细瞄准
    • aim confessedly自己承认地打算
    • aim consciously自觉地以…为目的
    • aim deliberately故意针对
    • aim fictitiously虚构地打算
    • aim fundamentally以…为基本目标
    • aim futilely徒劳地打算
    • aim generously大方地打算
    • aim heroically英雄般地打算
    • aim immediately立即打算
    • aim impossibly不可能以…为目的
    • aim instructively有益地针对
    • aim irrelevantly不相关地打算
    • aim laudably值得赞许地以…为目的
    • aim loftily崇高地打算
    • aim logically合理地打算
    • aim modestly谦逊地打算
    • aim murderously极其危险地定目标于
    • aim poetically理想地以…为目标
    • aim primarily首先针对
    • aim principally主要地打算
    • aim radically根本地打算
    • aim soberly审慎地打算
    • aim solely目的完全在于
    • aim unselfishly无私地打算
    • aim uselessly无用地以…为目的
    • aim vainly无结果地以…为目标
    • aim above瞄得过高
    • aim at瞄准
    • aim at a deer瞄准一只鹿
    • aim at a lion对准一头狮子
    • aim at a tiger对准一只老虎
    • aim at a wolf对准一匹狼
    • aim at being perfect力求完美
    • aim at perfection力求完美
    • aim at quick scoring为了迅速取胜
    • aim for计划,打算
    用作名词 (n.)
    • accomplish the aim实现目的
    • achieve one's aim达到自己的目的
    • affect aim影响目标
    • applaud aim称赞目的
    • attain one's aim达到目的
    • avoid aim取消目标
    • baffle aim阻挠,妨碍目标实现
    • calculate aim评价,估计目标
    • carry out aim实现目标
    • cast out aim抛弃目标
    • defeat the aim破坏目的
    • define aim详细说明目标
    • design aim设计目标
    • direct aim指定,指引目标
    • disguise aim掩饰目的
    • dissipate aim消散目的,驱散目的
    • divert the aim of转移…目标
    • embrace aim接受目标
    • encourage aim支持,鼓励目标
    • endorse aim认可,赞同目标
    • estimate aim评定,估计目标
    • execute one's aim贯彻目标
    • expose the aims of揭露…的目的
    • fulfill aim达到目的
    • guide aim指导目标
    • have a high aim in life胸怀壮志
    • hinder aim阻挠目标
    • lead aim引导目标
    • level aim对准目标
    • mark aim当心目标
    • miss one's aim失去目标,达不到目标
    • obtain aim达到目的
    • point aim指向目标
    • promote aim增进目标
    • propose aim定为目标
    • pursue aim追求目标
    • realize the aim实现目标
    • restrict aim限制目标
    • sanction aim认可目标
    • set forth the aims of…提出目标
    • set out the aims of提出目标
    • take aim瞄准
    • train aim对准,瞄准目标
    • wander from aim离开目标
    • accurate aim精确的目标
    • altered aim改变了的目标
    • altruistic aim利人的目标
    • ambitious aim雄心勃勃的目标
    • apparent aim明显的目标
    • basic aim基本的目的
    • careful aim仔细瞄准
    • central aim中心目标
    • cherished aim珍爱的目标
    • chief aim首要目标
    • common aim共同的目标
    • confessed aim公认的目的
    • conscious aim自觉的目的
    • consistent aim始终如一的目标
    • criminal aim罪恶的目的
    • deadly aim绝对精确的瞄准
    • deliberate aim慎重而迟缓的目的
    • devotional aim专心的目的
    • double aim双重目标
    • elevated aim崇高的目标
    • fictitious aim假定的目标
    • first aim第一个目标
    • fixed aim固定目标
    • frustrated aim失意的目标
    • fundamental aim根本目的
    • futile aim徒劳无益的目标
    • generous aim大方的目标
    • great aim伟大的目标
    • heroic aim英勇的目标
    • high aim很高的志向
    • honorable aim高尚的志向
    • illusory aim虚幻的目标
    • immediate aim目前的目标
    • impossible aim不可能的目标
    • impracticable aim不切实际的目标
    • infallible aim绝对确实的目的
    • instructive aim有益的目标
    • intelligible aim可理解的目标
    • irrelevant aim不相关的目的
    • kindred aim类似的目的
    • laudable aim值得褒奖的目标
    • leading aim主要目标
    • limited aim有限的目标
    • lofty aims崇高的目标
    • logical aim符合逻辑的目标
    • modest aim谦逊的目标
    • murderous aim行凶的目标
    • noble aim高尚的目标
    • novel aim新奇的目标
    • original aim原来的目标
    • paltry aim微不足道的目标
    • personal aim个人目的
    • picture aim生动的目标
    • poetic aim诗般的,理想的目的
    • praiseworthy aim值得称赞的目标
    • primal aim主要目标
    • primary aim首要目的
    • principal aim首要目的
    • selfish aim自私的目的
    • similar aim类似的目标
    • single aim唯一目标
    • sinister aim阴险的目的
    • sober aim审慎的目标
    • sole aim唯一的目的
    • sordid aim卑鄙的目的
    • steady aim坚定不移的目标
    • true aim真正目的
    • ulterior aim间接的目标
    • ultimate aim最终目的
    • unattainable aim难以达到的目标
    • undeviating aim不偏倚的目标
    • unerring aim正确的目标
    • vain aim徒然无效的目标
    • wild aim狂妄的目标,胡乱瞄准
    • aim in life人生的目标
    • aim of the course这门课程的目的


    aim of旨在;瞄准;致力于…

    aim at v. 针对;瞄准;目的在于

    aim for瞄准;以…为目标

    aim high胸怀大志,力争上游;向高处瞄准

    take aim瞄准

    take aim at瞄准;盯着;注意到;以…为目标

    aim low ◎向低处瞄准(尤指拳击比赛中不道德的打法) , ◎志向不高

    cry aim喝彩助威;予以鼓励

    aim at doing sth目的是做…



    1. What is your aim in life?
    2. The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace.
    3. Take careful aim at the target before firing.
    4. The shooter's aim was perfect.
    1. The policeman aimed his gun at the fugitive.
    2. This anti-alcohol campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers.
    1. You have to aim at the centre of the target.
    2. He aims to be a successful writer.
    3. We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores.
    4. We aim to speed up our delivery times.


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