单词 | degreased |
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是什么意思 变形过去分词:degreased 现在分词:degreasing 第三人称单数:degreases 英英释义degrease[ di:'ɡri:s ]
学习怎么用 双语例句1. Duringthefirststep,metallic materialsaredegreased with the helpofanoxygenplasma. 在第一步,金属材料是脱脂的帮助下,一个氧等离子体。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Lookingafterdegreasingsolventproperlydrain.Disposingwithdegreasedwaste drain properly. 脱脂剂必须妥善保管。脱脂后的废液应妥善处理。 3. Andtherebysettlementfor embrittlement was suggested as follows:activationwithacidicsaltinsteadofpicklingfordegreasedproducts. 从而提出了解决方法:产品除油后用酸盐活化替代酸洗。 www.dictall.com 4. Made up of degreasedgauze,strongabsorbability,useeasily. 本品系选用脱脂纱布精制而成,吸水性强、使用方便。 5. asinteringprocess that sinters the seconddegreasedbody so as to obtainsinteredbody. 烧结工序,烧结第二脱脂体而获得烧结体。 ip.com 6. TheApplicationof the PLC Communication-dataEnlargementonDegreasedLinewithSelf- manufacture CuprumBelt PLC通讯数据扩充技术在自制铜带脱脂线上的应用 service.ilib.cn 7. aseconddegreasedprocessheating that obtains second degreasedbodybyheatingmiddledegreasedbody; 第二脱脂工序,加热中间脱脂体而获得第二脱脂体; ip.com 8. Studyof the laboratory strainsfrozenindegreasedmilk 脱脂牛奶低温法保存微生物菌种的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. thedryingstep,directlydryingthenonwovenfabric which is formedbywaterjettingandisnotdegreasedandbleached; 烘干步骤,将水刺而成的无纺布不经脱脂漂白直接进行烘干; ip.com 10. PreparationofSoybeanPeptidesbyEnzymatic Hydrolysis from DegreasedSojaDraff 脱脂豆粕酶法制备大豆肽 www.ilib.cn
权威例句Study of the laboratory strains frozen in degreased milkCOMPOSITION FOR FORMING COMPACT, DEGREASED BODY, AND SINTERED BODYStudy on extraction technics of protein from degreased grape seedALUMINUM NITRIDE SINTER, SLURRY, GREEN OBJECT, AND DEGREASED OBJECTStudy on Technology of Removing Odour From Degreased Pupa Powder by DistillationNi(II) removal from wastewater by solar energy-degreased spent coffee groundsRemoval of Malachite Green from aqueous solution using degreased coffee beanPreparation of Soybean Peptides by Enzymatic Hydrolysis from Degreased Soja DraffRemoval characteristics of metal ions using degreased coffee beans: Adsorption equilibrium of cadmium(II)Pile fabric floor covering and pile yarn therefor made from cleaned and degreased wool sliver
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