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单词 develope


  • v.


  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 开发,发展 increase or become larger or more complete
    2. vt. & vi. (使)成长,(使)发育,(使)发达 make (sb/sth) grow larger, fuller or more mature, organized
    3. vt. & vi. (照相)冲洗,显影 treat with chemicals so that the picture can be seen


    用作动词 (v.)
    • develop a bad cough患有重感冒
    • develop a character研究特征
    • develop a habit养成习惯
    • develop a plan拟定一个计划
    • develop a reasonable point of view叙述合情合理的观点
    • develop a side-occupation发展副业
    • develop a story展开一个故事
    • develop a taste培养爱好
    • develop a taste for cooking渐渐爱好烹调
    • develop a theory发展理论
    • develop agriculture发展农业
    • develop an enormous appetite胃口特好
    • develop an idea研究某种想法
    • develop an illness患某种疾病
    • develop an interest培养兴趣
    • develop argument展开讨论
    • develop business发展商业
    • develop capability开发能力
    • develop heat产生热量
    • develop industry发展工业
    • develop mind开发智力
    • develop modern science发展现代科学
    • develop muscles使肌肉发育起来
    • develop national economy发展国民经济
    • develop nuclear weapons研制核武器
    • develop photographs冲洗胶卷
    • develop public library services开发公共图书馆业务
    • develop reading skills培养阅读技巧
    • develop relations of friendship and cooperation发展友好合作关系
    • develop self-confidence培养自信心
    • develop technique开发技术
    • develop the democratic style of work发扬民主的工作作风
    • develop the ideas of the first chapter揭示第一章的构想
    • develop the natural resources开发自然资源
    • develop the same fault犯有同样的毛病
    • develop tourism发展旅游业
    • develop weakness显露弱点
    • country develop国家发展
    • problem develop问题发展
    • business develop事业发展
    • difficulty develop困难增大
    • develop first优先发展
    • develop advantageously有利地发展
    • develop arduously艰难地发展
    • develop ceaselessly不断地发展
    • develop considerably相当大地发展
    • develop gradually逐渐地发展
    • develop intellectually明确地发展
    • develop partially局部地发展
    • develop rapidly迅速地发展
    • develop satisfactorily令人满意地发展
    • develop slowly缓慢地发展
    • develop vigorously蓬勃地发展
    • develop at a faster speed以较快的速度发展
    • develop by leaps and bounds跳跃式发展
    • develop from由…发展成
    • develop in depth and breadth向深度和广度发展
    • develop in the direction of...向…方向发展
    • develop into a disease发展成为一种疾病
    • develop into a good leader发展成为优秀的领导者
    • develop into a good man发展成为一个男子汉
    • develop into a heated discussion发展成为激烈的讨论
    • develop into a large and flourishing industry发展成为大而繁荣的产业
    • develop into an oak长成一株橡树
    • develop into friendship发展友谊
    • develop into one of the greatest ports in the world发展成为世界最大的港口之一
    • develop into the “real thing”成为“真家伙”
    • develop into wisdom发展成为智慧
    • develop through several stages通过几个阶段发展
    • develop to a certain level发展到某个水平
    • develop to a considerable extent有很大程度地发展
    • develop to a high degree发展到很高的程度
    • develop with在…中发展


    1. Modern music was first developed in Italy.
    2. China can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world.
    3. Plants develop from seeds, but many animals developed from eggs.
    4. Investors agreed to pool their resources to develop the property.
    5. We can develop your film in an hour.
    6. How long will it take to develop these pictures?


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