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单词 abandons


  • v.

    离弃( abandon的第三人称单数 );放弃;遗弃;陷入

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 放弃; 舍弃; 离开 leave a place, especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay there
    2. vt. 离弃; 遗弃; 抛弃 leave completely and forever; desert; leave sb when you should stay with them and look after them
    3. vt. 放弃; 中止 give up or bring an end to (sth), especially without finishing it or gaining the intended result
    1. [U]〈书〉放任; 放纵 an uncontrolled way of behaving that shows that sb does not care what other people think


    abandon[ ?'b?nd?n ]

    • n.
      • the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry

        "she danced with abandon"


      • a feeling of extreme emotional intensity


    • v.
      • forsake, leave behind

        "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"

      • stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims

        "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"

        同义词:give up

      • give up with the intent of never claiming again

        同义词:give up

      • leave behind empty; move out of


      • leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch




    用作动词 (v.)
    • abandon a bad habit革除恶习
    • abandon a car弃车
    • abandon a design放弃一项设计
    • abandon a difficult task推卸一项艰巨的任务
    • abandon a drought area离开旱灾区
    • abandon a dwelling放弃一个住所
    • abandon a fort放弃一个堡垒
    • abandon a habit摒弃一种习惯
    • abandon all hope放弃一切希望
    • abandon an attempt放弃尝试
    • abandon a policy放弃一项政策
    • abandon a project放弃一项方案
    • abandon a regular practice放弃寻常的做法
    • abandon a scheme放弃一项设计
    • abandon a village放弃一个村庄
    • abandon a way of living放弃某种生活方式
    • abandon a wrecked plane丢弃失事的飞机
    • abandon a wrecked ship丢弃失事的轮船
    • abandon evil and do good弃恶从善
    • abandon land放弃领土
    • abandon large quantities of supplies抛弃大批辎重
    • abandon one's baby遗弃婴儿
    • abandon one's country离开国家
    • abandon one's farm离开农场
    • abandon one's friends抛弃朋友
    • abandon one's homeland离开故乡
    • abandon one's hope放弃希望
    • abandon one's interests放弃利益
    • abandon one's native language不再讲本国语
    • abandon one's obligation推卸责任
    • abandon one's original stand背弃原来的立场
    • abandon one's parents抛弃父母
    • abandon one's post放弃职位
    • abandon one's positions放弃阵地
    • abandon one's right放弃权利
    • abandon one's wife and children抛弃妻儿
    • abandon ship弃船(逃生)
    • abandon smoking戒烟
    • abandon territory放弃领土
    • abandon the idea放弃那个想法
    • abandon completely完全放弃
    • abandon definitely肯定放弃
    • abandon dejectedly沮丧地放弃
    • abandon delightfully愉快地放弃
    • abandon despairingly绝望地放弃
    • abandon dramatically戏剧性地放弃
    • abandon entirely全部放弃
    • abandon eventually最终放弃
    • abandon forever永远放弃
    • abandon mournfully悲哀地放弃
    • abandon probably可能放弃
    • abandon recklessly轻率地放弃
    • abandon regretfully遗憾地放弃
    • abandon reluctantly不情愿地放弃
    • abandon shamefully无耻地遗弃
    • abandon shamelessly无耻地遗弃
    • abandon simultaneously同时放弃
    • abandon temporarily暂时放弃
    • abandon for放弃〔停止〕…而从事〔进行〕…
    • abandon law for the fine arts弃学法律改学美术
    • abandon medicine for literature弃医从文
    • abandon the old for the new喜新厌旧
    • abandon to使全然陷入
    • abandon oneself to陷入; 放纵于,沉溺于
    • abandon oneself to despair陷入绝望,自暴自弃
    • abandon oneself to drinking纵酒
    • abandon oneself to emotion感情用事
    • abandon oneself to evil ways走邪道
    • abandon oneself to grief陷于悲伤
    • abandon oneself to intemperance饮酒无度
    • abandon oneself to one's fate听天由命
    • abandon oneself to pleasure恣意享乐
    • abandon oneself to sth沉湎于某事
    • abandon oneself to the mercy of sb听任某人摆布自己
    用作名词 (n.)
    • in abandon尽情地
    • in gay abandon纵情地
    • in wild abandon疯狂地
    • with abandon尽情地; 放纵地
    • with a most charming abandon尽情地
    • with careless abandon无所顾忌地
    • with gay abandon纵情地
    • with joyous abandon痛快地
    • with passionate abandon尽情地
    • with reckless abandon不计后果地; 轻率地
    • with wild abandon疯狂地


    with abandon恣意地,放纵地

    abandon ship弃船


    1. Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.
    2. Despite some difficulties, they're not going to abandon the plan.
    3. The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.
    4. They abandon themselves to drinking.
    1. He signed cheques with careless abandon.
    2. The cheerleader waved his arms with wild abandon.


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