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单词 dry


英 [dra?]
美 [dra?]
  • adj.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • n.

    干涸;[复数] drys [非正式用语]主张禁酒的人;

  • 变形



    1. 干的,干燥的,无雨的 not wet; free from moisture; not raining
    2. 缺水的,口渴的,使人口渴的 not supplying water; thirsty; causing thirst
    3. 禁酒的 (of a country or region) where it is illegal to buy or sell alcoholic drink
    4. 无趣味的,枯燥的,一本正经地表达出来的 uninteresting; dull; expressed seriously or undemonstratively
    1. vt. & vi. 变干,把…弄干 become or cause to become dry


    dry[ drai ]

    • n.a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages


    • v.
      • remove the moisture from and make dry

        "dry clothes"; "dry hair"

        同义词:dry out

      • become dry or drier

        "The laundry dries in the sun"

        同义词:dry out

    • adj.
      • free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet

        "dry land"; "dry clothes"; "a dry climate"; "dry splintery boards"; "a dry river bed"; "the paint is dry"

      • humorously sarcastic or mocking

        "dry humor"


      • lacking moisture or volatile components

        "dry paint"

      • opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages

        "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers"; "a dry state"

      • not producing milk

        "a dry cow"

      • (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation

        "a dry white burgundy"; "a dry Bordeaux"

      • without a mucous or watery discharge

        "a dry cough"; "that rare thing in the wintertime"; "a small child with a dry nose"

      • not shedding tears

        "dry sobs"; "with dry eyes"

      • lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless

        "a dry book"; "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"


      • used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones

        "dry weight"

      • unproductive especially of the expected results

        "a dry run"; "a mind dry of new ideas"

      • having no adornment or coloration

        "dry facts"; "rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner"

      • (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish

        "dry toast"; "dry meat"

      • having a large proportion of strong liquor

        "a very dry martini is almost straight gin"

      • lacking warmth or emotional involvement

        "a dry greeting"; "a dry reading of the lines"; "a dry critique"

      • practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages

        "he's been dry for ten years"




    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • dry air干燥的空气
    • dry battery干电池(组)
    • dry book枯燥的书
    • dry cell干电池
    • dry champagne不甜的香槟酒
    • dry cider不甜的苹果汁
    • dry cleaner干洗剂,干洗商
    • dry climate干旱的气候
    • dry coal干煤
    • dry color干颜料
    • dry cough干咳
    • dry country禁酒的国家
    • dry dock平船坞
    • dry dredger陆地挖泥机
    • dry eyes无泪的眼
    • dry facts不加渲染的事实
    • dry farming旱地农作(法)
    • dry firewood干柴
    • dry fly(钓鱼用的)假虫饵
    • dry goods干货,谷类,织物类
    • dry greetings冷淡的问候
    • dry house干燥室
    • dry ice干冰
    • dry interview一无所获的采访
    • dry jest一本正经说出的笑话
    • dry lake干涸的湖
    • dry land干涸的陆地
    • dry laws禁酒法令
    • dry lecture枯燥的讲演
    • dry lodging不供膳食的寓所
    • dry nurse保姆
    • dry oven烘箱,烘干炉
    • dry party没有酒的宴会
    • dry pluck重击,重打
    • dry politeness常规的礼貌
    • dry run演习,(飞机)模拟投弹练习
    • dry saltern干货店,干货类,干货业
    • dry season旱季
    • dry states禁酒的州
    • dry subject枯燥无味的题目
    • dry summer干旱的夏天
    • dry thanks常套虚礼
    • dry town禁酒的城镇
    • dry weight净重
    • dry welcome不热情的欢迎
    • dry well枯井
    • dry wine无甜味的酒
    • dry work使人口渴的工作
    • dry year没有作品发表的年头
    • be dry干旱的
    • feel dry觉得口渴的
    • go dry干枯
    • keep dry保持干燥
    • run dry干枯
    • painfully dry干得难受
    • so dry口渴得很
    • theoretically dry绝对干燥地
    • dry enough够干地
    • dry as a bone干透的
    • dry as dust枯燥无味
    • not dry behind the ears未成熟的,乳臭未干的
    • dry for a week一周无水,干了一周
    • dry in the hot weather在这种大热天里口渴
    • dry with singing唱得口渴(干)
    用作动词 (v.)
    • dry a cow使牛停止分泌乳汁
    • dry dishes擦干碟子
    • dry one's clothes烘干衣服
    • dry one's coat烤干大衣
    • dry one's eyes擦干眼泪
    • dry one's forehead擦干前额
    • dry one's hair擦干头发
    • dry one's handkerchief烤干手帕
    • dry one's hands擦干手
    • dry one's shoes晒干鞋
    • dry oneself把身上擦干
    • dry the corn烤干玉米
    • dry the fish烤鱼
    • desperately dry极端枯燥无味
    • destructively dry毁灭性干燥
    • feverishly dry发烧引起口干
    • heartbreakingly dry口干得要命
    • hopelessly dry干得无望
    • horribly dry干得可怕
    • insupportably dry口干得难以忍受
    • intolerably dry口干得难受,极枯燥无味
    • painfully dry口干得难受
    • quickly dry干得快
    • terribly dry极干
    • unbearably dry口干得难受,极枯燥无味
    • dry down弄干
    • dry oneself down after a shower淋浴后把身子擦干
    • dry off弄干
    • dry out把…弄干
    • dry up(河流)干涸,(想象力)枯竭,消失,住口
    • dry up in the wind被风吹干
    • dry up the well使井干涸
    • dry at the fire在火边烤干
    • dry by exposure to the sun放在太阳下晒干
    • dry by heat用热烘干
    • dry by squeezing把衣服拧干(晒干)
    • dry by the fire在火旁烤干
    • dry for food烘干以便食用
    • dry in the air晾干
    • dry in the sun晒干
    • dry with用…弄干
    • dry with blotting-paper用吸墨纸吸干它
    • dry with a towel用毛巾揩干双手


    in the dry在干的地方;在不受雨淋的地方

    on the dry[口语]在戒酒的

    run dry不产奶

    dry skin干性皮肤

    dry matter干物质,固形物

    dry land旱地

    dry gas[化]干气(如含甲烷和乙烷的天然气)

    high and dry搁浅;孤立无援;处于困境

    dry weight干重

    dry cleaning n. 干洗

    dry up干涸;住口

    dry season枯水季节;干旱期

    dry powder干粉灭火剂;干燥粉

    dry process干法;干式工艺

    dry air干空气

    go dry ◎(乳牛)不产奶 , ◎[口语]禁止出售烈性酒类;颁布禁酒令 , 实行禁酒

    dry density[物]干密度;[物]干容重

    dry method干法

    dry type干燥类型

    dry yeast干酵母;酵母粉



    1. The soil is too dry for planting.
    2. After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
    3. We should prepare for more dry weather.
    4. I always feel dry in this hot weather.
    5. The book is as dry as dust.
    1. The bread will dry out if it is left on the table.
    2. I dry my hands and face with the towel.


    Tree dispersion, abundance, and diversity in a tropical dry forest.
    Parameterization of surface resistances to gaseous dry deposition in regional-scale numerical models ☆
    Report of the National Eye Institute/Industry workshop on Clinical Trials in Dry Eyes.
    The definition and classification of dry eye disease: report of the definition and classification of the Dry Eye WorkShop (2007)
    Comparative Phenological Studies of Trees in Tropical Wet and Dry Forests in the Lowlands of Costa Rica
    Report of the National Eye Institute/Industry workshop on Clinical Trials in Dry Eyes. CLAO J
    The definition and classification of dry eye disease: report of the Definition and Classification Subcommittee of the International ...
    Preliminary Study on Signal, Impact and Foreground of Climatic Shift from Warm-Dry to Warm-Humid in Northwest China
    Cold-Active Chemoorganotrophic Bacteria from Permanently Ice-Covered Lake Hoare, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
    A 45nm Logic Technology with High-k+Metal Gate Transistors, Strained Silicon, 9 Cu Interconnect Layers, 193nm Dry Patterning, and 10...




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