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单词 fearing


  • v.

    畏惧( fear的现在分词 );为…忧虑(或担心、焦虑);敬畏(神等);感到害怕

  • 双语释义

    1. [U]恐惧,惧怕 emotion caused by the nearness or possibility of danger, pain, evil, etc.
    2. [C]畏惧 this emotion caused by sth
    3. [U]可能性 likelihood or possibility, espec-ially of sth bad
    1. vt. & vi. 害怕,为…担心 be afraid (for the safety of sb/sth); have a feeling that there will be trouble, danger, pain



    • n.
      • an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)


      • an anxious feeling

        "they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction"


      • a profound emotion inspired by a deity

        "the fear of God"


    • v.
      • be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event

        "I fear she might get aggressive"

      • be afraid or scared of; be frightened of

        "I fear the winters in Moscow"; "We should not fear the Communists!"


      • be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement

        "I fear I won't make it to your wedding party"

      • be uneasy or apprehensive about

        "I fear the results of the final exams"

      • regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of




    用作名词 (n.)
    • allay fear减轻忧虑
    • arouse fear引起恐惧或忧虑
    • banish fear驱逐忧虑
    • beset by fear陷于忧虑或害怕中
    • brush aside fear消除忧虑
    • confirm sb's fear证实某人的担忧是有根据的
    • conquer the fear of克服对…的惧怕心理
    • dismiss fear打消顾虑
    • dispel fear消除惧怕心理
    • dissipate fear打消顾虑
    • drown fear解忧
    • eliminate fear消除惧怕心理
    • entertain fear怀有惧怕心理
    • eradicate fear根除惧怕心理
    • evoke fear引起惧怕心理
    • express fear表示担心
    • feel a fear感到害怕,感到恐惧
    • fight back fear克服一种恐惧
    • forget fear忘记惧怕
    • have a fear害怕
    • obey from fear由于畏惧而服从
    • still a fear使恐惧的心情平静下来
    • suffer from a fear受到恐惧威胁,感到害怕
    • abysmal fear无限恐惧
    • anxious fear焦虑
    • childlike fear妇孺之怯
    • chilling fear恐惧
    • constant fear持续的害怕
    • continual fear持续不断的忧虑
    • cowardly fear胆怯
    • daily fear日常的忧虑
    • dark fear暗自担忧
    • deadly fear极度的害怕或担忧
    • depressive fear抑郁的忧虑
    • devouring fear不可忍受的忧虑或害怕
    • distracted fear心烦意乱的担忧,恐惧
    • distressing fear令人痛苦的担忧
    • dreadful fear惊骇
    • exaggerated fear持续的害怕或担忧
    • excessive fear极度的害怕或担忧
    • fainthearted fear胆怯
    • feminine fear妇孺之怯
    • foolish fear荒谬的担忧
    • general fear人皆有之的害怕
    • ghastly fear极度的害怕或担忧
    • ghostly fear可怕的恐惧
    • gloomy fear忧闷的担忧
    • grave fear恐怖
    • great fear极为担忧,极为害怕
    • grim fear非常担忧
    • groundless fear无根据的忧虑
    • growing fear日益加深的忧虑
    • helpless fear无助之忧
    • hideous fear惊骇
    • holy fear敬畏
    • horrible fear恐怖
    • hurtful fear痛苦不堪的担忧
    • impatient fear不耐烦的忧虑
    • incomprehensible fear莫名其妙的担忧
    • incredible fear不可思议的惧怕
    • indefinable fear莫名的惧怕
    • irrational fear不合情理的担忧或惧怕
    • jealous fear疑虑
    • lessening fear逐渐减轻的忧虑或害怕
    • lingering fear魂牵梦绕的忧虑
    • maiden fear引起恐慌
    • momentary fear时时刻刻的担忧
    • mortal fear致命的恐惧
    • mutual fear共同的担忧
    • mysterious fear莫名其妙的惧怕
    • nameless fear无以名状的忧虑
    • natural fear天生的害怕
    • never-buried fear永远难忘的惧怕
    • oppressive fear难以忍受的担忧
    • pale-hearted fear极度的担忧
    • panic fear引起恐慌的恐惧
    • perpetual fear没完没了的担心
    • petrified fear惊呆的惧怕
    • physical fear确确实实的担心
    • political fear政治上的忧虑
    • popular fear普遍的忧虑
    • prodigious fear巨大的担心
    • profound fear巨大的恐惧
    • prudent fear深谋远虑的担心
    • recanting fear多余的担心
    • remorseless fear证明有先见之明的担心
    • respectful fear敬畏
    • reverential fear敬畏
    • rising fear恐惧剧增
    • savage fear巨大的恐惧
    • secret fear暗自担心
    • selfish fear利己的担心
    • sharp fear惧怕
    • shivering fear发抖的惧怕
    • slight fear淡淡的忧虑
    • sneaking fear难以消除的忧虑
    • strange fear莫明其妙的害怕或担忧
    • sweeping fear广泛的忧虑
    • tender fear敏感的担心
    • terrible fear惧怕
    • trembling fear发抖的惧怕
    • trivial fear无关紧要的担心
    • unaccountable fear数不胜数的担心或害怕
    • unaccustomed fear反常的担心或害怕
    • uneasy fear焦虑
    • universal fear一致的担心
    • unnamed fear无以名状的担心或害怕
    • unnerving fear使人烦恼不安的担心
    • unreasonable fear无端的担心
    • unspoken fear默默的担心
    • unutterable fear难以形容的害怕或担心
    • various fear各种各样的害怕或担忧
    • womanly fear妇孺之怯
    • wonted fear惯常之忧
    • yearning fear挂念之忧
    • in fear and trembling惊恐战栗,忐忑不安
    • in fear of discovery害怕被发现
    • in fear of sb's life为某人的生命担忧
    • a wave of fear一阵恐惧
    • fear for sb's health为某人的健康担心
    • fear for sb's safety为某人的安全担忧
    • fear of害怕…
    • fear of accidents怕发生事故
    • fear of waking sb怕吵醒某人
    用作动词 (v.)
    • fear danger害怕危险
    • fear death怕死
    • fear difficulty害怕困难
    • fear dog害怕狗
    • fear fire害怕火
    • fear God敬畏上帝
    • fear mice害怕老鼠
    • fear the worst担心会发生最坏的情况
    • fear thunder害怕打雷
    • fear abysmally无限害怕
    • fear always一向害怕
    • fear distressingly令人苦恼地担心
    • fear excessively极度担心
    • fear grossly十分担心
    • fear groundlessly无端地担心
    • fear hauntingly吃不香睡不着地害怕
    • fear inexpressibly无以名状地害怕
    • fear instinctively本能地害怕
    • fear irrationally不合情理地害怕
    • fear momentarily时时刻刻担心
    • fear morbidly病态般地惧怕
    • fear mysteriously莫名其妙地担心
    • fear never别害怕
    • fear oppressively难以忍受地担心
    • fear pathologically病态般地惧怕
    • fear secretly暗暗地害怕
    • fear superstitiously由于迷信害怕
    • fear unreasonably异常害怕
    • fear unreasoningly从骨子里害怕
    • fear for为…担心


    for fear以免,唯恐;由于害怕

    for fear of为了避免,唯恐

    in fear害怕

    with fear害怕地;吓得

    out of fear出于恐惧

    fear for vt. 为……担心

    in fear of怕;为…提心吊胆

    fear not the future不要为未来担忧

    in fear and trembling非常恐惧;提心吊胆



    1. He is haunted by the fear that the police will find the truth.
    2. The thought of returning filled him with fear.
    3. Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.
    1. The refugees fear persecution if they return to their own country.
    2. I fear that he is going to die.
    3. The plague was greatly feared in the Middle Ages.


    Fearing Fictions
    Fearing the Future of Empirical Psychology
    Fearing the worst--why do pregnant women feel 'at risk'?
    Reporting crime and fearing crime in three communities.
    Fearing the unknown: a short version of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale.
    On being happy but fearing failure: The effects of mood on self-handicapping strategies
    Fearing the future of empirical psychology: Bem's (2011) evidence of psi as a case study of deficiencies in modal research practice.
    Psychosocial characteristics of women and their partners fearing vaginal childbirth.
    Carleton RN, Norton MA, Asmundson GJ. Fearing the unknown: A short version of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale
    Topic-focused analysis in a case of integrative psychotherapy with a father fearing his own anger




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