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单词 feels


  • v.

    摸索( feel的第三人称单数 );触;深感;以为

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 触,摸 touch (sb/sth)
    2. vt. & vi. 由触摸而得知〔感觉到〕 get knowledge by touching with the fingers; explore or perceive sth by touching
    3. vt. & vi. 觉得,认为 be capable of sensation; be of the opinion
    1. [S]感觉,手感 the sensation caused by feeling sth



    • n.
      • an intuitive awareness

        "he has a feel for animals"; "it's easy when you get the feel of it"

      • the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

        "the feel of the city excited him"


      • a property perceived by touch

        同义词:tactile property

      • manual stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure

        "the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel"

    • v.
      • undergo an emotional sensation


      • come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds

        "I feel that he doesn't like me"


      • perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles


      • seem with respect to a given sensation given

        "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"

      • have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude

        "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"

      • undergo passive experience of:
      • be felt or perceived in a certain way

        "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"

      • grope or feel in search of something
      • examine by touch


      • examine (a body part) by palpation


      • find by testing or cautious exploration
      • produce a certain impression

        "It feels nice to be home again"

      • pass one's hands over the sexual organs of


    用作动词 (v.)
    • feel a draft感到受冷落
    • feel a fear感到害怕,感到恐惧
    • feel a friend's death痛惜友人去世
    • feel anger感到生气
    • feel earthquake感到地震
    • feel fatigue感到疲劳
    • feel gratitude感激
    • feel guilt感到有罪
    • feel hesitation感到犹豫
    • feel horror感到恐惧
    • feel importance感到重要
    • feel inconvenience感到不便
    • feel indignation感到义愤
    • feel infidelity感到不忠
    • feel insult感到受凌辱
    • feel interest感兴趣
    • feel jealousy感到嫉妒
    • feel joy感到快乐
    • feel loss感受损失
    • feel music体验到音乐的感染力
    • feel necessity认识到必要性
    • feel no pain感觉不痛
    • feel one's age觉得老了,觉得累了
    • feel one's ears burning觉得有人议论
    • feel one's feet能独立行走
    • feel one's legs能独立行走
    • feel one's oats感到精神饱满
    • feel one's way摸索前进,谨慎行事
    • feel pleasure感到快乐
    • feel poetry为诗歌而感动
    • feel pulse摸某人的脉搏
    • feel regret感到后悔
    • feel resentment感到不满
    • feel sorrow感到悲哀
    • feel sympathy感到同情
    • feel the pinch感到经济拮据
    • feel threat认识到威胁
    • feel afraid感到害怕
    • feel better感到好些
    • feel blue感到沮丧,情绪低落
    • feel cheap感到惭愧,觉得丢脸〔难为情〕
    • feel cold觉得发冷
    • feel contempt感到受辱
    • feel faint感到头晕
    • feel good感到满意
    • feel happy感到幸福
    • feel helpless感到无能为力
    • feel hot觉得发热
    • feel hungry感到饿
    • feel ill感到难受极了
    • feel lonely感到孤独
    • feel nervous感到紧张
    • feel small感到卑微〔丢脸、惭愧〕
    • feel tired觉得疲劳
    • feel touched受感动
    • feel warm感到温暖
    • feel weak感到浑身乏力
    • feel worse感到更难受
    • feel acutely敏锐地感觉到
    • feel affectionately深情地感受到
    • feel amiably和蔼地抚摸
    • feel carefully小心地摸索
    • feel compassionately同情地感受到
    • feel congenially心心相印地感到
    • feel deeply深深地感觉到
    • feel exquisitely强烈地感觉到
    • feel genuinely真正觉察到
    • feel graciously亲切地感受到
    • feel intensely强烈地感受到
    • feel intuitively凭直觉感到
    • feel keenly强烈地感觉到
    • feel kindly亲切地感觉到
    • feel morbidly恐怖地觉察到
    • feel mutually相互抚摸
    • feel philanthropically慈祥地爱抚
    • feel poetically诗情画意般地感到
    • feel profoundly深深地感觉到
    • feel severely强烈地感觉到
    • feel softly微微地感觉到
    • feel spiritually从心灵上感受到
    • feel strongly强烈地感觉到
    • feel sweetly亲切地爱抚
    • feel triumphantly高兴地感到
    • feel turbulently强烈地感到
    • feel tyrannically暴虐性地触摸
    • feel vehemently热切地感到
    • feel vindictively报复性地触摸
    • feel about摸索
    • feel out探出,摸清
    • feel out the situation摸清情况
    • feel bad about对…感到过意不去
    • feel after摸索,探寻
    • feel after the handle摸索把手
    • feel at用手摸…
    • feel at a loss感到心慌,感到不知所措
    • feel at home感到习惯〔舒服、自在〕
    • feel at home in精通…
    • feel for同情,怜悯,找寻,摸索
    • feel for the enemy搜索敌人
    • feel in one's bones预感,直觉
    • feel in the pocket for在口袋里摸…
    • feel like觉得,像要…似的,摸起来像…似的
    • feel like a million dollars精力充沛
    • feel like death脸色不好,感到很疲倦
    • feel like two cents感到惭愧
    • feel of摸着检查,摸着检验
    • feel certain of对…确信无疑
    • feel sure of肯定
    • feel of sb's hands摸某人的手
    • feel out of place觉得拘束,感到不自在
    • feel under the weather感到不舒服
    • feel up to能担任,有能力做
    • feel up to the work能胜任这项工作
    • feel with同情,与…有共同感情
    • feel with sb in对某人的…表示同情
    用作名词 (n.)
    • develop a feel for养成…的直觉
    • get the feel of习惯于…,对…熟悉起来
    • have a feel摸摸,摸一摸
    • like the feel of喜欢摸…,喜欢…的手感
    • cold feel寒冷的感觉
    • festive feel节日气氛
    • greasy feel摸上去油腻的感觉
    • rough feel摸上去粗糙的感觉
    • smooth feel摸上去光滑的感觉
    • soft feel摸上去柔软的感觉
    • sticky feel摸上去黏滋滋的感觉
    • warm feel摸上去暖呼呼的感觉
    • woolly feel摸上去像羊毛似的感觉
    • by the feel用摸的方式,靠触摸
    • to the feel摸上去
    • a feel for music乐感
    • the feel of winter冬天的感觉


    feel oneself镇定;感觉很好;觉得身体正常

    feel like想要;感到好似

    feel free随便,轻松

    feel better感觉好点了

    feel about摸索

    how do you feel你感觉如何

    feel at用手摸摸看

    feel lonely感到孤独,感到寂寞

    how it feels是什么滋味;是什么感觉;意味着什么

    feel tired感到疲劳

    feel bad不舒服;为…感到难过

    feel for同情;摸索

    feel sorry感到遗憾,觉得难过

    feel sad感到悲伤;心酸

    feel at home在家中般轻松自在;感觉自在

    feel as if觉得,仿佛

    feel sorry for..难过;为...感到可惜

    feel sorry for oneself垂头丧气

    look and feel外观和感觉

    feel guilty感到内疚



    1. Can you feel the tension in this room?
    2. Take a deep breath, and you will feel relaxed.
    3. She felt the child's forehead to see if he was feverish.
    4. The sheets feels smooth.
    5. I felt it advisable to do nothing.
    6. With the light off, we had to feel our way.
    1. The room has a nice cosy feel.
    2. She loved the feel of the sun on her skin.
    3. You can tell it's silk by the feel.


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    On becoming a person.




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