单词 | glaucus |
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glaucus是什么意思 英英释义Glaucus
以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Sheimagineditwasthatweakness which had incurredthecontemptofGlaucus. 她想,一定是这种软弱招致了格劳科斯的蔑视。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Glaucuswasthemostraptandtheleastinclinedtobreakthesilence. 格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。 www.ecd123.com 3. Glaucusgazed upon his impendingfatewithunwinkingeyes. 格劳科斯睁大眼睛,盯着迫在眉睫的灾难。 www.ecd123.com 4. IsthenameGlaucusareferencetosight,orblindness,physicalorotherwise? 名字Glaucus是涉及视力或文盲,身体或其它方面的? www.bdpsclub.org 5. 520BC,Olympia:Thefirstrecordedevidenceofcoachinginspiration.Aboxer,Glaucus, was being heavily beaten. 西元前520年,奥林匹亚:第一个记录在案的关于如何指导运动员的灵光一现。 bbs.transn.com 6. Theconversation,atfirstdesultoryandscattered,allowedIoneandGlaucustocarry on those sweet whispers. 开头,大家随意闲聊,谈话是分散进行的,这就使伊俄涅和格劳科斯能够卿卿我我轻声谈个不停。 7. Thepoetwasacynic,saidGlaucus,andhatedwomen. 这是个玩世不恭的诗人,格劳科斯说,他痛恨女人。 www.ecd123.com 8. SometimesshedreadedonlylestGlaucusshoulddiscoverhersecret. 有时候她非常担心,深怕格劳科斯发现她的秘密。 www.jukuu.com 9. "Ihavenotyet discharged my office,"saidshe; and she drew the letterofGlaucusfrom her vest. “我还没有完成我的使命呢,”她说着,从胸前掏出格劳科斯的一封信。 10. MydearGlaucus,aRomannoblehashisdignitytokeepup. 我亲爱的格劳科斯,一个罗马贵族得保持他的气派。 www.ecd123.com
权威例句Host plant alteration of detoxication activity in Papilio glaucus glaucus.Genetic Structure and Gene Flow in Elymus glaucus (blue wildrye): Implications for Native Grassland RestorationMitochondrial DNA variation and Haldane's rule in the Papilio glaucus and P. troilus species groupsSodium: stimulus for puddling behavior by tiger swallowtail butterflies, Papilio glaucusEffects of Herbivores on Growth and Reproduction of their Perennial Host, Erigeron GlaucusGenetics of mimicry in the tiger swallowtail butterflies, Papilio glaucus and P. canadensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).No association between mitochondrial DNA haplotypes and a female-limited mimicry phenotype in Papilio glaucusSystematic review of small fruit-eating bats (Artibeus) from the Guianas, and a re-evaluation of A. glaucus bogotensisUsing hybrid and backcross larvae of Papilio canadensis and Papilio glaucus to detect induced phytochemical resistance in hybrid p...CYP6B cytochrome p450 monooxygenases from Papilio canadensis and Papilio glaucus: potential contributions of sequence divergence to ...
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