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单词 hangs


  • v.

    悬( hang的过去分词 );(被)绞死;贴;逗留

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 悬,挂,垂下 support from above so that the lower end is free bent down or forward; drop
    2. vt. 贴,固定,安装 fix (wallpaper) on a wall; fix (a door) in position on hinges
    3. vt. & vi. (被)绞死,吊死 die, especially in punishment for a crime, by dropping with a rope around the neck



    • n.
      • a special way of doing something

        "he couldn't get the hang of it"


      • the way a garment hangs

        "he adjusted the hang of his coat"

      • a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms
    • v.
      • be suspended or hanging
      • cause to be hanging or suspended

        同义词:hang up

      • kill by hanging

        "The murdered was hanged on Friday"

        同义词:string up

      • let drop or droop
      • fall or flow in a certain way

        "This dress hangs well"


      • be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive

        "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"

      • give heed (to)

        同义词:attendadvertpay heedgive ear

      • be suspended or poised
      • hold on tightly or tenaciously

        "hang on to your father's hands"


      • be exhibited

        "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"

      • prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
      • decorate or furnish with something suspended
      • be placed in position as by a hinge

        "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"

      • place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction

        "hang a door"

      • suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste

        "hang the venison for a few days"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • hang a lamp from the ceiling将一吊灯吊在天花板上
    • hang a picture on the wall把一张画挂在墙上
    • hang a scythe装镰刀把
    • hang an oil painting挂油画
    • hang curtains挂窗帘
    • hang curtains over the window把窗帘挂在窗上
    • hang door on its hinges把门安装到铰链上
    • hang it该死
    • hang one's coat on the hook把外衣挂在衣钩上
    • hang one's head and admit one's quilt低头认罪
    • hang oneself自缢,吊死
    • hang the hall with red flags用红旗装饰大厅
    • hang the jury因陪审团意见不一而无法作出判决
    • hang the lip撇嘴以示轻蔑
    • hang the washing out把洗过的衣物晾晒在外面
    • hang wallpaper贴壁纸
    • hang badly装得转动不灵活
    • hang breathlessly吊得透不过气来
    • hang conspicuously醒目地装饰
    • hang disconsolately忧郁地犹豫不决
    • hang doggedly固执地拖延
    • hang dolefully悲惨地绞死
    • hang fatefully致命地绞死
    • hang fondly愚蠢地拖延
    • hang gracefully优美地飘垂着
    • hang lankly细长地垂下
    • hang listlessly无精打采地拖延
    • hang loosely宽松地披着
    • hang precariously根据不足地搁置
    • hang stubbornly顽固地拖延
    • hang unevenly不平直下垂
    • hang well很合身
    • hang about〔around, round〕无所事事地等待,进展缓慢
    • hang back犹豫,畏缩不前
    • hang behind留下来,落在后面
    • hang down披下来
    • hang the head down(羞得)低下头
    • hang off挂断电话
    • hang on紧握着,(打电话时)不挂断,坚持下去,密切注意
    • hang out把身子探出窗外,挂出窗外或门外,闲逛
    • hang it out怠工
    • hang out the red flag宣战
    • hang out the white flag投降
    • hang out two shirts把两件衬衣拿出去晾
    • hang over伸过去,(从某一时间)延续下来,遗留下来
    • hang up挂断电话,推迟,暂停
    • hang up a mark创新纪录
    • hang up one's hat in sb's house在别人家久留不走
    • hang up the numbers宣布比赛结果
    • hang on to紧紧握住
    • hang out for故意拖延以待时机
    • hang about〔around, round〕(使)环绕(身体某部位)摆动,晃动,在(某处)附近等待,呆在(某处)附近
    • hang about the streets在街上闲荡
    • hang between staying and going去留不决
    • hang by the eyelid系得不牢,易于落下
    • hang by the wall束之高阁
    • hang from the ceiling吊在天花板上
    • hang in doubt疑惑不决
    • hang in suspense悬而不决
    • hang in the balance wind安危未定,成败未决
    • hang on把…晾在…上,靠在…上,依…而定,依…而变化,密切注意…,急切等待
    • hang heavy on使劳累
    • hang one on向…猛击一拳,大醉
    • hang on sb's lips听得入神
    • hang on sb's sleeve依赖某人
    • hang on sb's words仔细听某人的话
    • hang a picture on the wall在墙上挂一幅图画
    • hang over(使)悬〔伏〕在…上,威胁,笼罩
    • hang to缠住,紧贴着


    hang on坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放

    hang out挂出;闲逛

    hang up挂断电话;搁置,拖延

    get the hang of得知……的窍门;熟悉某物的用法;理解某事,摸清概况;鉴赏

    hang seng香港恒生股票指数;香港恒生银行

    hang out with与…出去玩;与…闲逛

    hang around闲荡;徘徊

    go hang不再关心;被忘却

    hang in there[口]坚持下去

    hang seng index恒生指数

    hang together符合,一致;同心协力;结合在一起

    hang loose ◎悬空,摇晃 , ◎[美国、加拿大俚语]放松,不急不躁 , [美国俚语]保持平静(或镇静),不慌;放宽心,放松: , ◎宽松的垂下;(头发)披散 , ◎保持镇静;松弛;不紧张

    hang over笼罩;威胁;被遗留下

    hang seng bank恒生银行

    hang down[美俚]阴茎

    hang from从…悬挂

    hang in the balance安危未定

    hang onto依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住

    hang around with(和某人)厮混;(在某处)闲荡

    hang fire发射不出;迟疑不决



    1. You may hang your coat on the hook.
    2. I'll hang the pictures as high as I can.
    3. All the shirts hang together in the same wardrobe.
    4. Her hair hung long in the back.
    5. Cigarette smoke hung in the air.
    6. The notion hung in his mind for days.
    7. He was hanged for murder.
    1. The hang of the curtain shows that somebody is standing behind it.
    2. She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.


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