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单词 houses


英 [?ha?z?z]
  • n.

    住宅( house的名词复数 );议院;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]住宅,房子 building made for people to live in, usually for one family or for a family and lodgers
    2. [S]住在一所房子中的人们,全家人 people living in a same building
    3. [C]用作某种目的的建筑物 building made or used for some special purpose
    4. [C]议院 group of people who meet to discuss or pass laws
    1. vt. 给…提供住房 provide with a place to live
    2. vt. 收藏 provide space for sth


    house[ 'hauziz ]

    • n.
      • a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families

        "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"

      • an official assembly having legislative powers

        "a bicameral legislature has two houses"

      • a building in which something is sheltered or located

        "they had a large carriage house"

      • a social unit living together

        "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"


      • a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented

        "the house was full"


      • the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments

        "he worked for a brokerage house"

        同义词:firmbusiness firm

      • aristocratic family line
      • the members of a religious community living together
      • the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema

        "the house applauded"; "he counted the house"

      • play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults

        "the children were playing house"

      • (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided

        同义词:sign of the zodiacstar signsignmansionplanetary house

      • the management of a gambling house or casino

        "the house gets a percentage of every bet"

    • v.
      • contain or cover

        "This box houses the gears"

      • provide housing for

        "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"

        同义词:put updomiciliate



    用作名词 (n.)
    • break into a house破门而入
    • build a house建房
    • burn down a house烧毁房子
    • buy a house买房子
    • change house换房
    • clean a house打扫房屋
    • destroy a house毁坏房子
    • do up a house修缮房子
    • enter a house进入房子
    • have a house of one's own自己有房子
    • improve a house改善住房
    • keep the house居家,不外出
    • let a house to sb向某人出租房子
    • look about for a house到处找房子
    • manage the house当家
    • move house搬家
    • paint a house给房子刷漆
    • pull down a house拆房子
    • put one's house in order收拾屋子,进行内部整理
    • put up a house造房
    • sell a house卖房子
    • set one's house in order把房子收拾好
    • stay at sb's house住在某人家中
    • take a house for the summer租一栋房歇夏
    • tear down a house拆毁房子
    • bring down a house博得满场喝彩
    • carry the house博得全场喝彩
    • keep a good house待客周到
    • keep an open house好客
    • dark house阴暗的房子
    • empty house空屋
    • magnificent house富丽堂皇的房子
    • modern house现代化的房子
    • nice house漂亮的房子
    • open house好客之家,对外开放日
    • poor house贫民院,养育院
    • popular house普通的房子
    • safe house安全藏身处
    • tall house高大的房子
    • ugly house难看的房子
    • wooden house木头房子
    • free house出售各酒厂产品的酒店
    • full house(剧院、餐馆等)客满
    • narrow house坟墓,墓
    • public house客栈,酒吧
    • the lower house下议院
    • the upper house上议院
    • brick house砖房
    • chicken house养鸡场,鸡舍
    • country house乡间别墅
    • glass house暖房,玻璃房子
    • stone house石头房子
    • store house仓库
    • summer house避暑别墅
    • town house市内住所
    • banking house银行
    • business house商店
    • opera house歌剧院
    • publishing house出版社
    • station house警察分局
    • treasure house宝库
    • as safe as a house非常安全
    • from house to house挨家挨户地
    • in a house在房内
    • out of the house不在家中
    • treasure house of folk art民间艺术的宝库
    用作动词 (v.)
    • house one friend为一个朋友提供住房
    • house the poor给穷人提供住处
    • house the refugee为难民提供住房
    • house the cows圈牛
    • house the horses圈马
    • house books收藏书
    • house documents收藏文件
    • house pictures收藏画
    • house watches收藏手表
    • house abundantly住房宽敞
    • house aristocratically居住华丽
    • house austerely简朴地居住
    • house disreputably杂乱地居住
    • house economically便宜地居住
    • house faithfully适用地居住
    • house hospitably招待周到地提供住房
    • house luxuriously居住华丽
    • house practically实惠地提供住房
    • house safely安全地居住
    • house warmly热心地提供住处
    • house together住在一起
    • house up呆在家里
    • house for为…提供住房
    • house in把…放在…


    houses of parliament n. 英国的国会大厦


    1. Her house is furnished in excellent taste.
    2. They are going to move to a new house next week.
    3. My dream is to have a big house among peach trees.
    4. Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house!
    5. He designs for a famous fashion house.
    6. The failure of the great London banking house was quickly noised about.
    7. The party has a working majority in the house.
    8. There was one episode, in particular, that held the house from floor to ceiling.
    9. His address soon drew a good house.
    10. The 12th house rules our subconscious mind.
    1. He tried to feed and house his family.
    2. The library houses about three million books.
    3. The classroom can house sixty students.
    4. The area will house about 12 000 people.
    5. Those caves may house snakes or some other wild animals.


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