"ANTIGROPELOS.""ANTIGROPELOS""ANTIGROPELOS""ANTIGROPELOS"(8th S. v. 249, 353, 394)“ANTIGROPELOS”“ANTIGROPELOS”Fecundidad y empleo femenino en Cuba ; a summary of findingsA punto de ir a la cárcel, el ex tesorero municipalANáLISE DA SUSTENTABILIDADE EM AGROECOSSISTEMAS A ESCALA DA PROPRIEDADE RURAL, UM ESTUDO DE CASO: CENTRO AGROPECUáRIO COTOVé (ANT...The Urban Question under Planetary UrbanizationCrop losses: The need to quantify the effects of pests, diseases and weeds on agricultural productionDetermination of Transmitter Amino Acid Turnover[Human and animal fascioliasis in Peru: impact in the economy of endemic zones]