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ideo是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. PeoplegavetheIDEOthatleadsadesigntidemoreattention,butseldomalludetheIDEOthatthishourdoesnotforgettoegoinnovates. 人们将更多的关注给予了引领设计潮流的IDEO,但极少提及这个时刻不忘自我创新的IDEO。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. Here,IDEO's just taking the next logical step.Andsoon,thetechnologywillbeadvancedenoughtoturntheirconceptsintoreality. 很快,科技就会变得足够先进,从而将IDEO的概念变成现实。 dongxi.net 3. TodayIjustwant to tell asimplestoryabouthowwe got to designthinking, and the role it plays atIDEO. 今天,我想讲一个简短的故事,关于我们如何开始设计思考,和设计思考在IDEO的作用。 4. Instead,hebegan looking at the climate of creativity that innovativeleaders,fromEdisontoIDEO's CEO David Kelley, had put into place. 相反地,他开始注重创新的氛围,这是从爱迪生到IDEO公司首席执行官戴维·凯利等创新领袖曾经打造的。 sinaurl.cn 5. BeforefoundingIDEO,Davidsaid that what hewantedtodowas to form acompanywherealltheemployees are my bestfriends. 创立IDEO之前,大卫说他想做的是组一家员工全是他的好朋友的公司。 www.ted.com 6. Sowe do quite alotofworkatIDEO trying to convinceourclientsofthis. 在IDEO我们花佷多工夫说服我们的客户采用它。 www.ted.com 7. By asking peopletodrawyourmoneytheIDEOteamdesigninganonlinebankwasabletodiscernpeople'sattitudestowardstheirfinances. 通过让人们把钱打了一个网上银行IDEO设计团队能够分辨人们的态度对待他们的财政状况。 www.ccmn.com 8. Conclusions.ideo- assisted thoracoscopicdiscectomyissafeandallows for a significantamountofdiscmaterialexcision. 结论:电视胸腔镜椎间盘摘除术是安全的,它能够保证相当数量的椎间盘被去除。 9. Now,ourbigsymbolatIDEOisactuallynot so much the place,it'sathing. 而我们在IDEO的大?象征?,实际上并不是个地点,而是件物品。 www.ted.com 10. Enhancingtheeffectivenessofideo-politicaleducationhaveto base itself on the study of educates' effectivereception. 增强思想政治教育的有效性必须立足于从教育对象的视角来研究他们的有效接受。
权威例句The art of innovation: lessons in creativity from IDEO, America's leading design firmSensory feedback mechanisms in performance control: with special reference to the ideo-motor mechanism.A short history of ideo-motor action.Randomised trial of interferon alpha2b plus ribavirin for 48 weeks or for 24 weeks versus interferon alpha2b plus placebo for 48 wee...Randomised trial of interferon [alpha]2b plus ribavirin for 48 weeks or for 24 weeks versus interferon [alpha]2b plus placebo for 48...Long-term beneficial effects in sustained responders to interferon-alfa therapy for chronic hepatitis CPersuasive Games: t he e xpressive Power of v ideogamesPoynard, T. et al. Randomized trial of interferon -2b plus ribavirin for 48 weeks versus interferon -2b placebo for treatment of chr...The breeding of crop ideotypesBreeding of crop ideotypes
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