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单词 impower


英 [?m'pa??]
美 [?m'pa??]
  • v.


  • 学习怎么用


    The "impower"of cinema: An analysis of L'Homme atlantique
    Reshaping School Culture to Impower Its Partners
    Demand management is way to fresh savings, says Impower
    1743-44 Chap. 0024. An Act To Impower Justices Of The Peace To Summon Witnesses.
    1767-68 Chap. 0023. An Act To Impower Commissaries To Settle A Line Of Jurisdiction Between This Province And The Province Of New Yo...
    1764-65 Chap. 0004. An Act To Impower The Province Treasurer To Draw Bills Of Exchange Upon The Agent Of The Province, In Great Brit...
    1770-71 Chap. 0020. An Act To Authorize And Impower The North Parish In The Town Of Haverhill To Grant Certain Land To The Rev'D Gyl...
    1763-64 Chap. 0002. An Act To Impower David Sewall, Of York, Gentleman, To Collect The Excise Due In The County Of York, On Spirituo...
    Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. By His Excellency the Governor. I do hereby authorize and impower [blank] to beat his drums any w...
    In Senate of the United States. 15th March, 1802. Read the first time, and passed to the second reading. A bill, to impower John Jam...




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