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单词 apply something to something

apply something to something



Compassionate use and hospital exemption for regenerative medicine: Something wrong to apply the program for patients in a real world
Teaching students to apply nursing theories and models: trying something new
Teaching Students to Apply Nursing Theories and Models: Trying Something New
Carry out the notion of studying something in order to apply it into course teaching
`This end up' does not apply ; `There's always more than one way to look at something,' says the Waldoboro painter of his colorful, ...
Decisive, Confident? You Can Apply to Run the City; What's Being Offered Here Is Something Virtually Unique. the Biggest Local Gover...
Is it possible to apply the concept "interpretant"to diverging fields uniformly? : something about the relationship between semioti...
How it begins ... fraud, that is: don't tell anybody to do something wrong. Just apply some sly pressure, along with a pat on the ba...
Muziekpedagogiek in beweging: something to think about!
Apply for Something




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