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单词 applying


  • v.

    应用( apply的现在分词 );[apply oneself]使(自己)致力于;[apply oneself]使从事于;使接触

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 敷,涂 put on or next to sth
    2. vt. 应用; 使用 bring or put into use
    3. vi. 适用 have an effect related
    4. vi. 申请,请求 request sth
    5. vt. 使刻苦努力; 致力于 cause to work hard or with careful attention



    • v.
      • put into service; make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose

        "I apply this rule to get good results"


      • be pertinent or relevant or applicable

        "The same laws apply to you!"

        同义词:holdgo for

      • ask (for something)

        "apply for a job"

      • apply to a surface

        同义词:put on

      • be applicable to; as to an analysis

        同义词:lend oneself

      • give or convey physically


      • avail oneself to

        "apply a principle"


      • ensure observance of laws and rules


      • refer (a word or name) to a person or thing
      • apply oneself to

        "Please apply yourself to your homework"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • apply cement抹水泥
    • apply lipstick涂口红
    • apply lotion涂洗液
    • apply the ointment涂药膏
    • apply a plaster涂膏药
    • apply wax polish涂蜡油
    • apply a puff to one's face在脸上用粉拍拍
    • apply the brakes使用制动闸
    • apply economic sanctions采取经济制裁
    • apply one's energies to用精力于
    • apply one's experience to用经验
    • apply funds toward把钱用于
    • apply one's mind to用心于
    • apply money toward把钱用于
    • apply the rule运用规则
    • apply technology应用技术
    • apply admission to the club申请加入俱乐部
    • apply the appointment申请职务
    • apply the position申请职务
    • apply personally亲自申请
    • apply admirably大量地运用
    • apply adroitly熟练地运用
    • apply advantageously有效地运用
    • apply artificially虚假地运用
    • apply aptly恰当地运用
    • apply commonly to通常用于
    • apply comprehensively广泛地应用
    • apply consciously谨慎地运用
    • apply correctly to正确地运用
    • apply diligently大量地运用
    • apply directly to直接用于
    • apply equally同样适用
    • apply extensively广泛地应用
    • apply faithfully如实地应用
    • apply fitly to贴切地用于
    • apply incorrectly to不正确地运用
    • apply indiscriminately不加区分地应用
    • apply liberally大量地运用
    • apply luxuriously奢侈地用
    • apply mechanically机械地运用
    • apply necessarily有必要地运用
    • apply popularly to通常用于
    • apply practically实际应用
    • apply professionally熟练地运用
    • apply scientifically科学地运用
    • apply skilfully灵活地应用
    • apply systematically有系统地应用
    • apply universally广泛地应用
    • apply unerringly正确地运用
    • apply usefully有效地运用
    • apply oneself closely to专心致志于
    • apply oneself diligently to孜孜不倦地做
    • apply oneself enthusiastically to孜孜不倦地做
    • apply oneself indefatigably to孜孜不倦地做
    • apply oneself perseveringly to锲而不舍地致力于
    • apply oneself wholeheartedly to专心致志于
    • apply oneself wholly to全力以赴
    • apply at the following address请向下列地址询问
    • apply at the office(请)到办公室接洽
    • apply by letter函请
    • apply for为…请求,为…申请
    • apply for aid求援
    • apply for collection托收
    • apply for the entrance examination of the university报考这所大学
    • apply for a fellowship申请加入联谊会
    • apply for employment谋事,找职业
    • apply for help求助
    • apply for information打听消息〔索取资料〕
    • apply for the job申请工作
    • apply for the work申请工作
    • apply for membership in a society申请入会
    • apply for a passport申请护照
    • apply for a visa申请签证
    • apply in all cases(向)…接洽,依赖
    • apply in medicine应用在医药上
    • apply in person亲自申请
    • apply to向…请求,向…申请,适用于…
    • apply to sb for help向某人求助
    • apply to the authorities for assistance向当局求助
    • apply to this case适用于这件事
    • apply to headquarters向总部申请
    • apply to the payment of debts用于付债
    • apply to three universities向三所大学提出入学申请
    • apply...to涂某物于…
    • apply ointment to a rash把药膏涂在皮疹上
    • apply paint to a surface把漆涂在表面
    • apply a plaster to a wound给伤口贴上药膏
    • apply...towards把…用于…
    • apply a match to an alcohol lamp用火柴点酒精灯
    • apply one's mind to a problem专心致志地研究某一问题
    • apply money towards a purchase把钱用于购物
    • apply a rule to linguistic analysis把某一项规则应用到语言分析上
    • apply a sum of money to welfare work把某一笔款子用到福利事业上
    • apply theory to practice把理论运用到实践中去
    • apply oneself to专心致志于,热心于
    • apply oneself to study认真学习
    • apply oneself to sth with a will专心致志于
    • apply oneself to sth with a zest孜孜不倦地做


    apply oneself减少对…之消耗量;努力,致力于…

    apply for申请,请求

    apply for a job求职;申请工作

    apply now立即应用;马上申请;在线申请

    apply for a visa申请签证

    apply for a patent申请专利

    apply in person亲自申请;亲自询问

    apply to customs报关

    apply for a position申请职位;谋职

    apply for reimbursement报销



    1. We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it to practice.
    2. The plastic coating is easy to be applied on any surface.
    1. I am applying for a fellowship.
    2. Above terms shall apply unless otherwise mention.


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