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单词 jumps


  • v.

    跳( jump的第三人称单数 );跳过;快速移动;(因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 跳,跃 rise suddenly (from a seat, etc.); move quickly (into sth)
    2. vi. 惊跳 move with a jerk or jerks from excitement, joy, etc.; start suddenly
    3. vi. 暴涨 rise suddenly in price
    1. [C]跳,跃 an act of jumping; sudden spring from the ground
    2. [C]猛长,激增 sudden rise in amount, value, etc.



    • n.
      • a sudden and decisive increase

        "a jump in attendance"


      • an abrupt transition


      • (film) an abrupt transition from one scene to another
      • a sudden involuntary movement


      • descent with a parachute


      • the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground

        "he advanced in a series of jumps"; "the jumping was unexpected"


    • v.
      • move forward by leaps and bounds

        "Can you jump over the fence?"


      • move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm


      • make a sudden physical attack on

        "The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat"

      • increase suddenly and significantly

        "Prices jumped overnight"

      • be highly noticeable

        同义词:leap outjump outstand outstick out

      • enter eagerly into

        "He jumped into the game"

      • rise in rank or status

        "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list"

        同义词:riseclimb up

      • jump down from an elevated point

        "the parachutist didn't want to jump"; "every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge"

        同义词:leapjump off

      • run off or leave the rails


      • jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute


      • cause to jump or leap

        "the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop"


      • start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery


      • bypass

        同义词:pass overskipskip over

      • pass abruptly from one state or topic to another

        "jump to a conclusion"; "jump from one thing to another"


      • go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions




    用作动词 (v.)
    • jump hurdle跨栏
    • jump prison越狱
    • jump questions漏掉问题
    • jump ship弃职离船
    • jump the border越过边界
    • jump the bus跳上公共汽车
    • jump the fence(马)跃过了栅栏
    • jump the gun(赛跑时)发令枪未响即起跑,偷跑,抢先
    • jump the rails(火车)突然出轨,思想开小差
    • jump the tracks(火车)突然出轨,思想开小差
    • jump the traffic light(车辆驾驶员等)闯红灯
    • jump town逃离城市
    • jump forward向前跳
    • jump drastically猛烈地跃过
    • jump easily轻而易举地跃过
    • jump hastily仓促地跃过
    • jump immediately立即行动
    • jump quickly迅速地跃过
    • jump safely稳稳当当地跳过
    • jump sharply突然地跃过
    • jump suddenly突然地跃过
    • jump down from the roof从房顶上跳下来
    • jump down from the stairs从楼梯上跳下
    • jump off跳下,开始(进攻)
    • jump together(想法)不谋而合
    • jump up跳起,跳上,物价大幅度上涨
    • jump at欣然接受,抢着接,马上抓住
    • jump at the chance急忙抓住这次机会
    • jump at the idea欣然接受建议
    • jump at the job抢着接受任务
    • jump at the offer欣然接受提议
    • jump by 60%(物价)上涨百分之六十
    • jump for因…跃起
    • jump for joy高兴得跳起来,欢跃
    • jump from从…跳下来
    • jump from a bus从公共汽车上跳下来
    • jump in跳进…
    • jump in the car跳进汽车
    • jump into bed钻进被窝里
    • jump into the air跳起来
    • jump into the lake跳进湖里
    • jump into the river跳进河里
    • jump off跳离,跳下(车)
    • jump off the bus跳下公共汽车
    • jump off the roof从房顶上跳下
    • jump off the train跳下火车
    • jump off the tree从树上跳下
    • jump off the wall从墙上跳下
    • jump on sb责骂某人,向某人扑去
    • jump on the boy呵斥小孩
    • jump on the enemy向敌人猛扑
    • jump on the train跳上火车
    • jump onto跳上…
    • jump onto the ground跳到地上
    • jump onto the horse跳上马
    • jump onto the table跳到桌上
    • jump out of从…跳出〔下〕
    • jump out of a window跳出窗口
    • jump out of bed跳下床
    • jump sb out of chair使某人从椅子上跳起来
    • jump out of one's skin吃了一惊,吓了一跳
    • jump over跃过…
    • jump over fence跳过栅栏
    • jump over five pages跃过下面五页
    • jump over the wall跳过墙
    • jump through the window跳过窗户
    • jump to it赶快
    • jump to one's feet一跃而起,突然站起来
    • jump to sb's defense急忙去替某人辩解
    • jump to the next scene先排下一场(戏)
    • jump to the table跳上桌子
    • jump with因…跳起
    • jump with joy高兴地跳起来
    • jump with mine和我的意见一致
    • jump with the spirit of the age符合时代精神
    用作名词 (n.)
    • make a jump跳
    • make 278 jumps in a minute(跳绳)一分钟内跳278下
    • get the jump on sb先发制人
    • give sb jumps使某人心惊肉跳
    • give sb a jump把某人吓一跳
    • make a jump from one subject to another从一个话题到另一个话题
    • take a jump(物价)暴涨
    • broad jump跳远
    • center jump(篮球)中圈跳球
    • good jump出色的一跳
    • high jump跳高
    • huge jump(利润的)大幅度增长
    • long jump跳远
    • height jump跳高
    • pole jump撑竿跳高
    • water jump(骑术比赛)跳越水洼
    • jump area跳伞区
    • jump ball(篮球)跳球
    • jump seat(在轿车前后座中间的)折叠式椅子,(马车中的)活动座子
    • jump shot(篮球)跳投
    • jump suit伞兵跳伞服,(汽车机械士等穿的)连衣裤衣服,(妇女等穿的一种)紧身连衣裤,便服
    • at a jump一跃
    • at a full jump全速地
    • from the jump从开始
    • be all of a jump在紧张状态中,心惊胆战
    • on〔upon〕 the jump在忙碌中,跑来跑去
    • jump from liquid to gaseous state从液态到气态的转变
    • jump from one language to another从一种语言到另一种语言的突然转换
    • jump in car exports汽车出口猛增
    • jump in profits利润大增
    • jump in the price of food食品价格的大幅度上涨
    • jump of two metres跳2米高(或跳2米远)


    jump in v. 投入

    jump out跳出

    jump over v. 跳过

    jump on跳上;扑向;责备

    jump into跳入;跳进……

    long jump跳远

    jump out of跳出;跳出来

    high jump跳高

    jump up跳起来;上投断层

    jump off跳下来;开始,开始进攻

    jump at欣然接受;跃向;急切地接受

    jump down跳下;下落断层

    triple jump三级跳远

    jump rope跳绳游戏;跨越横线

    jump the queue插队;获得优惠待遇

    jump shot跳投(篮球);跳球(台球)

    jump the gun偷跑;行动过早;[俚]未听发令枪就起跑

    for the high jump [俚语] , ◎(因为行为不端)受审 , ◎一定要受惩处

    jump ship弃船潜逃;非正式离船

    jump at the chance抓住机会



    1. If a horse refuses a jump,penalty points are added to the score.
    2. The athlete made a superb jump.
    3. The loud bang made me jump.
    4. The jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaint.
    1. The horse was behaving fractiously and refused to jump.
    2. He jumped to his feet and ran out of the office.
    3. The horse jumped the fence.
    4. Last week, the price of food jumped.


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    Jumps and Stochastic Volatility : Exchange Rate Deutsche Mark Options
    Jumps in Financial Markets: A New Nonparametric Test and Jump Dynamics
    Jumps and Stochastic Volatility: Exchange Rate Processes Implicit in Deutsche Mark Options
    Power and Bipower Variation with Stochastic Volatility and Jumps
    Shelved optical electron amplifier - Observation of quantum jumps
    Approximation of functional depending on jumps by elliptic functional via t‐convergence
    Approximation of functionals depending on jumps by elliptic functionals via Γ-convergence
    Quantum jumps in the PEMFC science and technology from the 1960s to the year 2000 ☆ : Part II. Engineering, technology development ...
    Tortorelli, V.: On the approximation of functionals depending on jumps by elliptic functionals via Γ-convergence. Commun. Pure Appl...




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