单词 | lefthand |
释义 |
是什么意思 学习怎么用 词汇搭配短语 lefthand view左侧视图 lefthand operand操作数 lefthand member左边部分 Lefthand press左手按音 LeftHand Snapshots快照保护 lefthand limit左旋极限 lefthand extractor左抽筒子 lefthand zero左边零 lefthand auger左向旋转螺旋 更多收起网络短语 双语例句1. TheRolesviewitselfcanbedockedinthebottomlefthandsideoftheeditor. Roles视图本身可以停靠在编辑器的左下角。 www.ibm.com 2. Thezoningpagecanbereachedusing the far rightbutton in the group on the bottomlefthandcornerofthewindow. 使用窗口左下角最右侧的按钮可以访问到分区页面。 www.ibm.com 3. The numbers in the upperlefthandcornerarenumberofyears,andenergydifferencefromthestart of the simulation. 左角落上的数字是在数年内,能源仿真差异从一开始的。 wenwen.soso.com 4. ClickControl Panel in the upperlefthandcornerasshowninFigure71toreturn to the controlpanel. 单击左上角的ControlPanel(如图71所示),以返回到控制面板。 www.ibm.com 5. Click the Control Panel image in the upperlefthandcornerofthescreentocontinue. 单击屏幕左上角的ControlPanel图像以继续。 www.ibm.com 6. Thelefthandphotoshowsaclassicgypsumropeformation,fromacave in the Grand Canyon. 左边图片显示的是一个典型的绳状石膏,来自大峡谷的一个洞穴。 7. Actuallythestar just at the topisthelefthandstarinOrion. 事实上,上边那颗星就是猎户座中左侧的一颗星。 xianguo.com
权威例句Messengers for health: Apsaalooke women capture the vision of wellnessSoldiers falling into camp : the battles at the Rosebud and the Little Big HornDine Nation Arsenic Risk AssessmentSession Number: Abstract Name: 39Windows into Cultural Competence: Developing Culturally Competent Science Teacher Leaders in the Big Sky Science PartnershipFM 23-65 Chptr 3 Operation and FunctioningAPPENDIX AScale-up Strategy for MEDRIX VietnamSOLDIERS FALLING INTO CAMP Soldiers Falling Into CampPotential Health Risks from Uranium in Home Well Water: An Investigation by the Apsaalooke (Crow) Tribal Research Group
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