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单词 line


英 [la?n]
美 [la?n]
  • n.


  • vt.


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. [C]线条 a long thin mark
    2. [C]条纹,皱纹 a long thin mark in the skin
    3. [C]线路,电话线 a very long wire for telephones or electricity
    4. [C]线,绳 piece of string, rope, or wire
    5. [C]排,行 all the words that are beside each other on a page
    6. [C](行进)路线,航线,铁路线 what a train moves along
    7. [C]行业,专长 an area of interest, activity or work
    8. [C]方针,路线 an officially stated set of ideas, methods
    1. vt. 用线标出,画线于 mark sth with lines
    2. vt. 使成一行 form a line along sth
    3. vt. 排队,排齐 stand or be in rows along a street, etc.


    line[ lain ]

    • n.
      • a formation of people or things one beside another

        "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"; "they were arrayed in line of battle"; "the cast stood in line for the curtain call"

      • a mark that is long relative to its width

        "He drew a line on the chart"

      • a formation of people or things one behind another

        "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"

      • a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point
      • text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen

        "the letter consisted of three short lines"; "there are six lines in every stanza"

      • a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum
      • a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)

        "they attacked the enemy's line"

      • the methodical process of logical reasoning

        "I can't follow your line of reasoning"

        同义词:argumentationlogical argumentline of reasoning

      • a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power

        同义词:cabletransmission line

      • a connected series of events or actions or developments

        "historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"


      • a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
      • a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

        "his face has many lines"


      • a pipe used to transport liquids or gases

        "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport"


      • the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed

        同义词:railway linerail line

      • a telephone connection

        同义词:telephone linephone linetelephone circuitsubscriber line

      • acting in conformity

        "in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line"

      • the descendants of one individual

        "his entire lineage has been warriors"

        同义词:lineageline of descentdescentbloodlineblood linebloodpedigreeancestryoriginparentagestemmastock

      • something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible

        "a washing line"

      • the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money

        "he's not in my line of business"

        同义词:occupationbusinessjobline of work

      • in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area
      • (often plural) a means of communication or access

        "lines of communication were set up between the two firms"

        同义词:channelcommunication channel

      • a particular kind of product or merchandise

        "a nice line of shoes"

        同义词:product lineline of productsline of merchandisebusiness lineline of business

      • a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
      • space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising

        同义词:agate line

      • the maximum credit that a customer is allowed

        同义词:credit lineline of creditbank linepersonal credit linepersonal line of credit

      • a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence

        同义词:tunemelodyairstrainmelodic linemelodic phrase

      • a short personal letter

        "drop me a line when you get there"

        同义词:noteshort letterbillet

      • a conceptual separation or distinction

        "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"

        同义词:dividing linedemarcationcontrast

      • mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it

        同义词:production lineassembly line

    • v.
      • be in line with; form a line along

        "trees line the riverbank"

        同义词:run along

      • cover the interior of

        "line the gloves"; "line a chimney"

      • make a mark or lines on a surface

        "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"


      • mark with lines

        "sorrow had lined his face"

      • fill plentifully

        "line one's pockets"

      • reinforce with fabric

        "lined books are more enduring"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • block a line封锁航线
    • bring into line使成一行,使一致,同意
    • cross a line超过界线
    • cut lines切断…的线
    • draw a line画线
    • draw up in line排成横队
    • form a line排成一队
    • form into line排齐
    • get a line打听到消息
    • get into a line排队
    • get out of line不协调
    • go over the line越界
    • hold a line守住防线
    • hold the line不要挂断电话
    • introduce a line开辟航线
    • keep sb in line使…某人规规矩矩,使…协调起来
    • make a line画一条线
    • open a line开辟一条线
    • rule a line画一条线
    • run a train line经营一条铁路线
    • run off the lines(火车)出轨
    • settle the line划清界限
    • shoot a〔the〕 line〈俚〉吹牛,说大话
    • stand in a line站成一行
    • step over the line越界
    • take a strong line干得起劲
    • thread line用丝做线
    • throw a line扔绳子
    • wait in line排队等候
    • wipe out a line擦掉线
    • bad line不良的通话线路
    • beautiful line漂亮的线条
    • broken line虚线
    • clear line清晰的线条,清楚的界线
    • complete line完整的路线
    • direct line直线
    • dividing line分界线
    • double lines双线
    • double yellow lines双黄线
    • fine line很好的路线
    • first line of defence第一道防线
    • foolish line不明智的路线
    • front line前线
    • heavy line粗线条
    • hot line热线
    • just short line只言片语
    • long line长队
    • main line电话中继线,(铁路等的)干线
    • natural line天然的路线
    • outside line外线
    • regular line定期线路
    • scientific line科学路线
    • simple line单一路线
    • soft line软线
    • special line特别线
    • straight line直线
    • thick line粗线
    • thin line细线
    • air line航线,航空公司
    • base line底线
    • battle line战线
    • beeline两点间的距离,最短距离,捷径
    • branch line支线
    • bus line公共汽车路线
    • city line城市界线
    • clothes line晾衣绳
    • county line县界线
    • end line终线
    • enemy lines敌人阵地
    • feeling line感情之线
    • finish line终点线
    • fuel line燃料管道
    • goal line球门线
    • International Date line国际日期变更线
    • life line生命线
    • ocean line海洋航线
    • oil line输油管道
    • party line合用线
    • police line警察线
    • power lines输电线
    • production line生产线
    • railway lines铁路线
    • service line(网球,手球等球场的)发球线
    • shore line海岸线
    • sky line地平线
    • snow line雪线
    • state line州界线
    • steam line蒸汽管道
    • stop line停车线
    • supply lines补给线
    • telegraph line电报线路
    • telephone lines电话线路
    • tree line林木线
    • water line(船的)吃水线
    • first across the line第一个通过终点线
    • all along the line在全线
    • at the goal line在球门线上
    • behind the lines远离前线
    • below the line在…线以下
    • between the lines字里行间
    • in line成一直线,对准
    • in line for即将轮到,有得到…的希望
    • in line with和…一致,符合
    • in a line排队
    • in one's line擅长,内行
    • on a line在一条线上
    • on the line挂正
    • on the base line在底线
    • out of line不成一直线,不一致,不协调
    • line by line一行一行地,逐字逐句地
    • line for为…线
    • line of attack进攻路线
    • line of duty值勤,公务
    • line of kings历代帝王
    • line of railway铁路线
    • line of trees成行的树
    • line on one's face脸上的皱纹
    用作动词 (v.)
    • line deeply深深地布满(皱纹)
    • line off用线划开
    • line out画线标出
    • line through划掉,勾掉
    • line through an entry划掉一个条目
    • line up排队,整队
    • line along沿…放齐
    • line for为…画线
    • line with布满


    in line adv. 协调;成一直线;有秩序 , adj. 联机的

    in line with符合;与…一致

    on line在线的;联机的

    line of…线

    line of business行业;营业范围

    production line生产线

    line with按照,与……一致;沿着…排列

    on the line处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上

    product line生产线;产品线;产品系列

    line in线路输入

    transmission line n. [无][电]传输线;波导线

    out of line不协调,不一致;不成直线

    in a line排成一行

    straight line直线

    assembly line装配线;流水作业线

    by line 精确地,准确地,正确地 [亦作 by line and level]

    bottom line结果;概要;帐本底线

    main line干线;[俚]大静脉

    down the line adv. 完全地;沿着街道 , adj. 彻底的

    power line电力线;电源线;输电线



    rope, wire, thread, string, line, cord








    queue, rank, line, row







    1. One line cuts another at right angles.
    2. The ball went over the line.
    3. The line of the two countries is too vague.
    4. He has fine lines around his eyes.
    5. She always takes a Marxist line.
    6. This is a steamer on the Japanese line.
    7. You should write on every other line.
    8. Thrown off by the jeers, she forgot her line.
    9. IBM is always in the front line of computer industry.
    10. Hang the clothes on the line.
    1. Please line up one after another.
    2. The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.
    3. Please line your paper with a pencil and ruler.
    4. This piece of silk would line your coat nicely .


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