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单词 locks


  • n.

    头发;锁( lock的名词复数 );头发;(机器部件等的)锁定刹车;

  • v.

    锁住,锁上( lock的第三人称单数 );卡住,不动;陷入;卷入(困境、争论、争执等)

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 锁住,锁上 fasten a door with a lock;become fixed
    2. vt. & vi. (使)固定 (cause to) become fixed, unable to move
    1. [C]锁 an apparatus for closing and fastening sth, usually, by means of a key
    2. [C]水闸,船闸 a stretch of water closed off by gates, especially on a canal, so that the water level can be raised or lowered to move boats up or down a slope
    3. [C][U](头发的)一缕 a small piece of hair



    • n.
      • a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
      • a strand or cluster of hair


      • a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
      • enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it

        同义词:lock chamber

      • a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key

        同义词:ignition lock

      • any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
    • v.
      • fasten with a lock

        "lock the bike to the fence"

      • keep engaged


      • become rigid or immoveable

        "The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise"

      • hold in a locking position

        "He locked his hands around her neck"


      • become engaged or intermeshed with one another

        "They were locked in embrace"


      • hold fast (in a certain state)

        "He was locked in a laughing fit"

      • place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape

        "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"

        同义词:lock inlock awayput awayshut upshut awaylock up

      • pass by means through a lock in a waterway
      • build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels


    用作动词 (v.)
    • lock arms挽臂
    • lock bicycle锁自行车
    • lock box锁门
    • lock drawer锁上抽屉
    • lock gate锁门
    • lock automatically自动地锁
    • lock briefly简洁地锁
    • lock carefully仔细地锁
    • lock cautiously小心地锁
    • lock discreetly慎重地锁
    • lock half-heartedly马虎地锁
    • lock hastily仓促地锁
    • lock mechanically机械地锁
    • lock modestly谨慎地锁
    • lock nervously紧张地锁
    • lock prudently谨慎地锁
    • lock quickly迅速地锁
    • lock speedily快速地锁
    • lock staunchly可靠地锁
    • lock suspiciously不放心地锁
    • lock away把…锁起来
    • lock away the records把记录锁藏起来
    • lock in将…锁在里面,把…包围起来
    • lock out将…锁在外面
    • lock up将…锁住,把(某人)关押起来
    • lock from从…锁…
    • lock into把…锁在
    • lock onto接牢,紧连
    • lock with用…锁
    用作名词 (n.)
    • break a lock开锁
    • change a lock换锁头
    • design a lock设计锁
    • fit a lock安锁
    • fix a lock安锁
    • force a lock用力把锁撬开
    • open a lock把锁打开
    • pick a lock(用非钥匙之物)撬锁
    • put lock装锁
    • set lock设置锁
    • test lock检测锁
    • broken lock破锁头
    • crude lock未加工的锁
    • double lock(将钥匙转动两次的)双重锁
    • shattering lock破损的锁
    • solid lock牢固的锁头
    • bushy lock浓密的头发
    • careless lock乱蓬蓬的头发
    • curly lock鬈发
    • dangling lock摇晃的头发
    • dense lock浓密的头发
    • disheveled lock散乱的头发
    • dripping lock湿淋淋的头发
    • fearful lock吓人的头发
    • flat lock扁平的头发
    • floating lock漂动的头发
    • flowing lock光滑的头发
    • glossy lock光滑的头发
    • golden lock金发式的头发
    • hoary lock灰白的头发
    • massy lock长而浓密的头发
    • obstinate lock粗硬的头发
    • raven lock乌油油的头发
    • scanty lock稀少的头发
    • shining lock光亮的头发
    • shorn lock修剪过的头发
    • silken lock柔软光滑的头发
    • snaky lock弯曲的头发
    • sparse lock稀疏的头发
    • stiff lock硬挺挺的头发
    • thin lock稀疏的头发
    • tumbled lock杂乱的头发
    • unruly lock难梳理的头发
    • whitened lock变白了的头发
    • arm lock夹臂
    • head lock夹头
    • safety lock保险锁
    • spring lock弹簧锁
    • time lock定时锁
    • in the lock在锁中
    • on the lock锁着的
    • under lock and key监禁
    • lock on the door门锁
    • lock to a door门锁


    lock up把…锁起来;关起来

    ship lock船闸

    lock in把……关在里面

    door lock门锁;车门锁

    lock on用雷达自动跟踪;锁住

    lock system n. 河闸控制系统

    phase lock锁相;锁柑

    lock out把…关在外面

    lock down船过闸向下游驶去,过闸下驶

    lock chamber闸室;锁止腔;水闸;闸段

    lock loop锁定环

    under lock and key妥善锁藏着;锁起来

    wheel lock车轮抱死;制动跑偏;转轮点火机

    lock nut锁紧螺母;防松螺母

    key lock键封锁;钥匙锁;钥匙锁闭器

    electronic lock电子锁;电子门锁

    hydraulic lock液压锁紧;液压卡紧;液压封闭

    lock handle n. 门把;带锁门把

    safety lock保险机栓,保险锁

    lock into受困于



    1. He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.
    2. Water went rushing through the lock gates.
    3. He keeps a lock of her hair.
    1. The ship was locked in the ice through the winter.
    2. Be sure to lock your bicycle.
    3. You should lock the jewels (up) in a safe.
    4. She locked her child in her arms.
    5. The ship locked into the canal.


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    Thin locks: featherweight synchronization for Java
    Remote control system for door locks
    Remote control system for door locks
    Device, method and program product to automatically detect and break gas locks in an ESP




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