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单词 loses


  • v.

    遗失,失去( lose的第三人称单数 );(使)失去(所需要的东西,尤指钱);(因事故、年老、死亡等)损失;浪费

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 丢失 come to be without, as through carelessness;fail to find
    2. vt. & vi. 失败 fail to win
    3. vt. & vi. 浪费waste



    • v.
      • fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense
      • fail to win
      • suffer the loss of a person through death or removal
      • place (something) where one cannot find it again


      • miss from one's possessions; lose sight of
      • allow to go out of sight
      • fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit

        同义词:turn a loss

      • fail to get or obtain
      • retreat

        同义词:fall backdrop offfall behindrecede

      • fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind


      • be set at a disadvantage




    用作动词 (v.)
    • lose a battle打败仗
    • lose a competition输掉比赛
    • lose a game输一局
    • lose a leg失去一条腿
    • lose a part of one's a finger丧失了一段手指
    • lose a quality失去品性
    • lose advantage失去优势
    • lose an ability丧失能力
    • lose an argument输掉辩论
    • lose attitude失态
    • lose belief失去信念
    • lose blood失血
    • lose business失去生意
    • lose chance错过机会
    • lose control控制不住
    • lose courage失去勇气
    • lose face丢面子
    • lose good looks失去美貌
    • lose heat失去了热量
    • lose height(飞机)降低高度
    • lose husband失去丈夫
    • lose interest in对…失去兴趣
    • lose keys丢钥匙
    • lose nothing并不吃亏
    • lose one's hair失去头发
    • lose one's head发狂,失去理智
    • lose one's heart十分喜爱
    • lose one's hold管束不住,掌握不住
    • lose one's job失业
    • lose one's life牺牲
    • lose one's sense of direction辨不清方向
    • lose one's teeth失去牙齿
    • lose one's train误火车
    • lose one's way迷路
    • lose oneself迷失方向,迷路
    • lose reason失去理智
    • lose sight of看不见,忽略,忘记
    • lose speed逐渐减速
    • lose support失宠,失去权势
    • lose the last words of one's speech没听见某人讲话的最后几句
    • lose the match输掉比赛
    • lose the war输掉这场战争
    • lose weight减肥
    • lose nearly差不多失去了
    • lose automatically自动丧失
    • lose completely完全丧失
    • lose considerably很大地损失
    • lose easily容易丢失
    • lose eventually最终丧失
    • lose fatally致命地丢失
    • lose freely随意地丧失
    • lose frequently经常丢失
    • lose gravely严重地丢失
    • lose heavily很大地损失
    • lose hopelessly无望地失败
    • lose immeasurably无可估量地损失
    • lose intimately很快丢失
    • lose invariably不变地丧失
    • lose irrevocably不能挽回地丧失
    • lose mistakenly错误地丢失
    • lose mortally致命地丢失
    • lose practically几乎失败
    • lose rarely很少失败
    • lose really真正丢失
    • lose regretfully遗憾地丢失
    • lose resolutely绝对地丢失
    • lose superficially表面上丢失
    • lose thoroughly彻底失败
    • lose unbelievably不可思议地丢失
    • lose unexpectedly出乎意外地丢失
    • lose utterly完全丢失
    • lose out输掉,失败
    • lose out on the deal做交易失败了
    • lose out to sth被某物取代
    • lose among the trees在树丛中消失
    • lose at cards输牌
    • lose at sea在海上遇难
    • lose by a neck(赛马中)以一头之差失败,以些微之差输掉
    • lose from由于…丢失
    • lose in beauty失去美貌
    • lose in the telling(故事)讲起来没有趣
    • lose in thought深思
    • lose on〔upon〕在…上赔(钱)
    • lose on the deal在交易中亏损
    • lose one's head over为…而失去理智
    • lose to sb输给某人


    los angeles洛杉矶

    los angeles lakers洛杉矶湖人队

    los angeles times洛杉矶时报

    los alamos n. 洛斯阿拉莫斯((美国新墨西哥州中部城镇)

    los angeles clippers洛杉矶快船队(NBA中的一支球队)


    1. I lost my wallet yesterday.
    2. It's only the second time the team has lost a match this season.
    3. The game will lose its relish when you grow old.
    4. He lost his life in the war.
    5. The truth is that we're so focused on what we are doing that we often lose sight of where we are going.
    6. How much do they stand to lose by this merger?
    7. We should travel according to the guide's instructions, otherwise, we shall lose our way.
    1. Merely to maintain is to lose in the end.
    2. We have got so many debts; we have nothing more to lose.
    3. Does your watch gain or lose?


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