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IL28B polymorphism associated with spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C infection in a Southern Brazilian HIV type 1 population.
[Prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes in patients of an urban center in Southern Brazil].
Prevalência de subtipos do HIV-1 em amostra de ...
Short communication: Prevalence and risk factors for human T cell lymphotropic virus infection in Southern Brazilian HIV-positive pa...
Alcohol misuse and illicit drug use are associated with HCV/HIV co-infection
Hepatitis C in hemodialysis: the contribution of injection drug use
Interferon lambda 4 (IFNL4) gene polymorphism is associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV in HIV-1 positive patients
Analysis of the association of non-synonymous polymorphisms in ADH genes with hazardous drinking in HIV-1 positive individuals.
Análise do polimorfismo H186R do gene APOBEC3 em pacientes HIV positivos
Análise da associa??o do polimorfismo ss469415590 com a resolu??o espontanea do HCV em indivíduos HIV-1 positivos




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