单词 | mouses |
释义 |
是什么意思 变形复数:mice 第三人称单数:mouses 现在分词:mousing 过去分词:moused 双语释义n.(名词)
英英释义mouse[ maus, mauz ]
学习怎么用 词汇搭配用作名词 (n.) 动词+~
词组短语mouse button鼠标按钮 mickey mouse米老鼠 mouse pointer n. [计]鼠标指针 cat and mouse猫戏老鼠;恣意玩弄折磨(像猫对老鼠般) mouse pad滑鼠垫 optical mouse光电鼠标 nude mouse n. [医]裸鼠;裸小鼠;无毛鼠(指实验室中饲养的老鼠) like a drowned mouse adv. 狼狈不堪 mouse mat鼠标垫 field mouse田鼠 mechanical mouse机械鼠标 house mouse家鼠 更多收起词组短语 双语例句1. PCsandperipheralsare the main stays of our exportstoEurope.Computermouses were an eye-catching itematthisyear'sHanoverfair. 个人电脑及零件组,是我国输欧大宗。滑鼠便是这次汉诺威展中醒目的配角。 2. Itwasnot the farmer'swife,but the mini-radio transmitterwhichcutofftheirtails, rendering newer mouseswireless. 是微型无线发射器而不是农妇,割掉了它们的尾巴,使其升级为无线鼠。 3. Interestingly,whatIdidwiththeserollersis,basically,Itookthemoffofthesemousesandthenputtheminoneline. 我怎么用这些滚轮呢--基本上,我把它们从鼠标里拿出来放在一条在线,用线、滑带和弹簧,我做出了一个侦测姿势的接口装置。 4. Inamenudriveninterface, either the keyboardoramousesused to select an optionfromamenudisplayedonthescreen. 在菜单驱动接口中,用键盘或鼠标器从显示在屏幕上的菜单选项。 www2.ccw.com.cn 5. Otherperipheralmakersfollow suit with a new generation of moreaccurateandbattery-efficientwirelessmouses. 其它外围设备商也继承了这种技术,并做得定位更精准、电池更持久。 6. MethodsAmousespointHouhai, point Zhongwan or abdominal cavitywasinjectedwithpertussisvaccineanditsimmune response was observed. 方法对小白鼠后海穴、中脘穴、腹腔注射百日咳疫苗观察其免疫力。 www.dictall.com 7. The enormous numbers of fieldmousesencounteredduring times of peakpopulationsgreatlycomplicatecontrol. 在种群繁殖高峰期间出现的巨量田鼠使防治问题大为复杂。 8. That'soneofmajorreasonswhyhumanslivebetterlivesthanmouses. 这也是人类为什么比咱们老鼠活得好的重要原因之一。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Objective: To do some research ontheeffectsofpropolisonmousesantioxidation. 前言:目的:探讨蜂胶对小鼠抗氧化水平的影响。 www.chemyq.com 10. Methods: Assess the activityofsuperoxidedismutase(SOD) in the tissuesofmousestesticleandovary. 方法:测定小鼠睾丸及卵巢组织过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。 www.chemyq.com
权威例句WE CALL IT SNWError and expectation in language learning: The curious absence of mouses in adult speechError and expectation in language learning: why "mouses"is a curious incident in adult speechExploring New Perspectives in Network Music Performance: The DIAMOUSES FrameworkA predominant idiotype on anti-hen egg white lysozyme antibodies from diverse mouses strains.A new input device: comparison to three commercially available mousesThe isolation of differentially expressed cDNAs from Siwutang-induced mouses with SSHTOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A GENERIC PLATFORM FOR NETWORKED MUSIC PERFORMANCE: THE DIAMOUSES APPROACHEffects of alcohol exposure on neurobehavioral development of immature mousesExpectation and error distribution in language learning: The curious absence of “mouses” in adult speech
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