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ADJ. 形容词1.?(不确指人、地点、事情)别的You use else after words such as 'anywhere', 'someone', and 'what' to refer in a vague way to another person, place, or thing. 双语例句例: If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint. 如果我不能以画画谋生的话,至少我能教别人画画。 例: We had nothing else to do on those long trips. 在那些漫长的旅途中我们别无他事可做。 2.?其他的You use else after words such as 'everyone', 'everything', and 'everywhere' to refer in a vague way to all the other people, things, or places except the one you are talking about. 双语例句例: As I try to be truthful, I expect everyone else to be truthful. 因为我努力做到诚实,所以我期望其他每个人也都诚实。
ADV. 副词1.?其他地You use else after words such as 'anywhere', 'someone', and 'what' to refer in a vague way to another person, place, or thing. 双语例句例: I never wanted to live anywhere else. 我从未想要到其他任何地方去住。 2.?其他地You use else after words such as 'everyone', 'everything', and 'everywhere' to refer in a vague way to all the other people, things, or places except the one you are talking about. 双语例句例: Cleveland seems so much dirtier than everywhere else. 克利夫兰似乎比其他任何地方都脏得多。
PHRASE. 习语1.?最重要地Above all else is used to emphasize that a particular thing is more important than other things. 双语例句例: Above all else I hate the cold. 我最讨厌寒冷。 1.?(表示唯一的好情况)至少You can say 'if nothing else' to indicate that what you are mentioning is, in your opinion, the only good thing in a particular situation. 双语例句例: If nothing else, you'll really enjoy meeting them. 至少,你会很高兴见到他们。 1.?否则(用于给出推断的理由)You use or else after stating a logical conclusion, to indicate that what you are about to say is evidence for that conclusion. 双语例句例: Evidently no lessons have been learned or else the government would not have handled the problem so badly. 显然没有吸取教训,否则政府不会把这个问题处理得如此糟糕。 2.?否则(引出不好的结果)You use or else to introduce a statement that indicates the unpleasant results that will occur if someone does or does not do something. 双语例句例: This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks. 这次我们真地得要成功,否则人们会开始用奇怪的眼光看我们。 3.?要不然(表另外一种可能性)You use or else to introduce the second of two possibilities when you do not know which one is true. 双语例句例: You are either a total genius or else you must be totally crazy. 你要么是个纯粹的天才,要不然你准是完全疯了。 4.?否则不客气了You say 'or else' after a command to warn someone that if they do not obey, you will be angry and may harm or punish them. 双语例句例: Behave, or else! 规矩点,否则不客气了!