标题 | 金楼山赋(英汉版) |
正文 | 金楼山赋 Song to the Jinlou Mountain 译 · 翟运学 文 · 薛会兵 金楼形胜,中条天骄。 How wonderful and grand the Jinlou Mountain looks! It is the pride son of the Zhongtiao Mountain. 乾坤动,金楼生;神工镂,地貌成。 God created the earth and hence came the Jinlou Mountain. Nature has carved its shape with time and then grown into what it looks now. 群峰拥戴,百鸟来朝;云蒸霞蔚,金光杲杲。西与华岳比高,东闻黄河咆哮,北望太行春潮,南邀秦岭云飘。 Jinlou Mountain with hills and peaks around and hundreds of birds of all kinds set their nests here,forming a splendid scene on a sunshine day. It can be as high as the Huashan Mountain. East of the Jinlou Mountain flows the Yellow River. To the North of the Jinlou Mountain lies the Taihang Mountain and to the south is the Qinling Mountain far away apart. 嗟夫!秀雄兼备,气贯碧霄;生态古朴,苍颜劲貌;人文丰赡,青史风骚。 Alas! It is beautiful and magnificent,seeming as lofty as the rainbow spanning the sky. Its natural environment remains almost the same as it came into being with its original appearance. Here,there are abundant cultural remains and historic relics. 秀哉金楼,返璞归真处,此间最逍遥。峻岭郁郁复苍苍,夏祁公路是向导。仰眸望去,云端妖娆;纵目观来,方圆广袤。险峰怪石,林海滔滔,于斯嘉木古藤,凤管鸾箫;更有清泉飞瀑,激扬歌谣。 Alas! Here is the place of one’s original simplicity and the best resort to have a leisure life. Here hills and mountains are covered with green grass and trees. Xia-Qi Highway is just leading to the Jinlou Mountain. Looking up,the enchanting clouds and fog come to your eyes. Looking around,there are miles of forest and peaks. Here are rare trees and old vines. Birds of different kinds are singing among them. Here you can see the clear springs and waterfalls, sounding like inspiring songs. 楼山坪,云间大草甸,谁筑造?天坠锦绣花园,丹青难描秋毫。写意吟咏,不论春花秋月;怡情养性,无分雨暮晴朝。幽境探胜,满目蓬莱雾飘渺;仙山徜徉,一方圣景可悟道。 Loushan ping,the large meadows,lying on the top area of the Jinlou Mountain,which who built? This is a wonderful natural garden that god created. It is hard to trace the picturesque. And it is also difficult to chant the great and beautiful scene in spring and autumn. It is the best place to relax you whether it is fine or rainy or it is in the morning or at dusk. When you explore the quiet and peaceful surroundings,you may feel that you were in Penglai the fairy world in Chinese fairy tales. There are mists everywhere. Wandering here on the mountain, one can be enlightened. 雄哉金楼,虎踞龙盘地,兵家古要道。崇山巍巍作舞台,无数英雄竞折腰。昔有唐王屯兵,战马嘶鸣,磨刀霍霍,问鼎中原志向高; Alas! How grand the Jinlou Mountain is! It has been a very important route and military fort since the ancient times. With mountains towering as a stage, countless heroes bow to salute. There were troops led by Tang Wang Li Shimin. You may feel as if warhorses were neighing. Li shimin’s ambitions were high and clear to see. 后有抗战儿男,满腔热血,陈兵中条,誓将倭寇全灭剿。可敬八百秦娃,弹尽粮绝,不屈不挠,中华男儿雄豪。面家乡,跪爹娘,纵身黄河战旗飘。壮哉,抗战忠魂!精神长随碧水环绕,风骨永护青山不老。 Hundreds of years later, the anti-Japanese war broke out, the Chinese troops deployed here to fight the dwarfs. How respectable the 800 soldiers from Shanxi province were! When they ran out of their ammunition and food, they made up their minds not to surrender. They were true heroes of China! Kneeling homewards to their fathers and mothers, they jumped into the Yellow River, with army flags flying. Indeed, their spirits will be reserved here as long as the clear waterflows. Their strength of character will for ever defend the green mountain. 寰宇之山,多如恒河之沙;至雄至秀,惟我金楼山高!禹都儿女,情钟金楼,矢志何报?祈斯山永窈窕,共日月以辉耀。筚路蓝缕,创伟业于僻壤;胼手胝足,珍净土于怀抱。斗转星移,老区已成景区;烟消云散,金楼更展新貌。 Mountains of the world are as many as the sands of the Ganges,yet,no one can be both beautiful and grand but Jinlou Mountain. Great sons and daughters of the Xiaxian County like the Jinlou Mountain very much, what can they do for this? They are merely praying that the Jinlou Mountain will always be peaceful and secluded. They will try their best to build up a well-off society here in Xiaxian County. Time flies,the former liberated area now has become a scenic spot which takes on a new look. 前贤血沃英雄树,而今回眸梦亦笑。噫吁哉!数风流人物,还看今朝! Former heroes watered the trees with blood,now looking back you may laugh to wake up in dream. Well indeed! Who are the truly great men? Just look to this age alone! |
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