单词 | penstocks |
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是什么意思 变形复数:penstocks 英英释义penstock[ 'penst?k ]
学习怎么用 双语例句1. ThepenstocksusedforYellow RiverXiaolangdi is of supersize, it is madeofsteelplate A517 under AmericanStandardASTM. 黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程引水压力钢管属超大型压力钢管,采用美国ASTM标准A517钢板焊制。 www.chemyq.com 2. Because of its supersizeandhighstrength,duringfittingandweldingafterpreheating,splayingcrack in the penstocksoccurred. 压力钢管因尺寸超大、刚度强,预热装配和焊接过程中出现焊缝张开及缺陷严重超标的现象。 www.chemyq.com 3. Theprocessesofpreheatingandwelding of super scalepenstocksweredetailed. 本文详细叙述了巨型压力钢管的预热装配和焊接过程。 www.chemyq.com 4. CalculatingCrackWidthofPenstockswithInnerSteel Liner and Reinforced Concrete Due to Its InternalPressure 内压作用下钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道裂缝宽度计算公式 service.ilib.cn 5. WeldingofSuperSizePenstocksMade of High Strength Quenched-temperedSteel 超强调质钢巨型压力钢管的焊制 service.ilib.cn 6. Theselectionofjointshape of the last annular weld of the steel-penstocksofThree GorgesProject 三峡工程压力钢管下平段凑合节合拢缝选型试验 www.ilib.cn 7. Weldingpenstocksinalldirectionsbyanautomaticwelder 压力钢管全位置自动化焊机及其应用 www.ilib.cn 8. ConcreteEncasementConstructionTechnology of Three GorgesPowerhousePenstocks 三峡厂房坝段引水钢管外包混凝土施工技术 www.ilib.cn 9. Numerical analysis and verification of penstockswithoutcontractionjointsforlargehydropower station 某大型水电站取消厂坝间压力钢管伸缩节研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Reliabilitycalibrationanalysisofexposedpenstocksforhydropower stations 水电站压力钢管明管的可靠度校准分析 service.ilib.cn
权威例句PenstocksOptimum penstocks for low head microhydro schemesInspection of Penstocks and Featureless Tunnel-like Environments Using Micro UAVsInspection of Penstocks and Featureless Tunnel-like Environments Using Micro UAVsNonlinear Analysis of Steel Liner—Reinforced Concrete PenstocksFrazil ice concerns for channels, pump-lines, penstocks, siphons, and tunnels in mountainous regionsThe stress calculation of penstocks placed on downstream dam faces and surrounded by reinforced concrete in orthotropic conditionStudy on crack control of concrete wall of steel lined reinforced concrete penstocksStochastic Analysis of Water Hammer and Applications in Reliability-Based Structural Design for Hydro Turbine Penstocks550 and 610 MPa class high-strength steel plates with excellent toughness for tanks and penstocks produced using carbide morphology ...
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