单词 | B/L |
释义 |
是什么意思 学习怎么用 双语例句1. Theb( )lceremonyofthelatepresidentwasheldyesterday. burial已故校长的葬礼昨天举行了。 2. B:lKnow.Lalsowanttosellitassoonaspossible,buttwomillionandeighthundredthousanddollarsisbelow my expectation. 我知道,我也希望尽快卖出这单位。不过二百八十万元低于我要求的成交价。 3. ARiceforyou.Bllikerice. 你想给对方米饭,你会说。 4. A-b gl?b?lpioneeredthisyearsagowithcreovation?andsubsequentlyintegethics?. A-bgl?b?l公司多年前便以creovation?开创了先河,后来又发明了integethics?。 5. B:lcanprotectyou,lfyouchangeme. 如果你把我变成吸血鬼,我就可以保护你。 6. B:l've been toawintercamp,andwedidalot of body-buildingwork. 我去参加了冬令营,我们每天做很多体能训练。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 7. Y H T BL:youhavethebestlove 你拥有最美好的爱情下一行: wenwen.soso.com 8. Professor Anthony B. L. CheungPresidentThe HongKongInstituteofEducation 香港教育学院校长张炳良教授 权威例句Reconsideration on Bill of Lading as Document of Title-And on the Nature of the B/LCathepsin B/L-, elastase-, tryptase-, trypsin- and dipeptidyl peptidase IV-like activities in gingival crevicular fluid: a compariso...Human cathepsin L rescues the neurodegeneration and lethality incathepsin B/L double deficient miceCathepsin B/l-Like, Elastase-Like, Tryptase-Like, Trypsin-Like and Dipeptidyl Peptidase Iv-Like Activities in Gingival Crevicular Fl...B/L ratio in the Whole Area of the Chromaticity DiagramEFFECT OF B/L ON THE TURNING QUALITY OF SHIPSThe Applicable Law for B/LCathepsin B/L‐, elastase‐, tryptase‐, trypsin‐ and dipeptidyl peptidase IV‐like activities in gingival crevicular fluid: Correl...B/L湍流模型在强压力梯度流场计算中的应用The B-L/electroweak hierarchy in heterotic string and M-theory
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