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单词 to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources

to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources



Analysis of Significant Security Exception Clause in BIT——And the Enlightenment to China
Regional National Autonomy System on the Horizon of Management Modernization in Ethnic Minority Areas
Direct Broadcast Satellites: The Conceptual Convergence of the Free Flow of Information and National Sovereignty.
On the Importance of Intellectual Property Right Protection in Zhejiang High-tech Industry Development and Relevant Measures
A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Mary Ann Glendon; The Universal Declaration of...
The Institutional Choice in Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources in China
A study of innovative ways on safeguarding our interests in South China Sea under the new situation based on unmanned surface vehicles
The Challenges and Countermeasures Research of the South China Sea Marine Strategy in China
From Absolute Sovereignty to Actual Sovereignty——The New Development of National Sovereignty Theory
A Primary attempt to analyze experiences of managing Tibetan religious affairs during the Republic of China




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